The All New Atkins Diet Plan which lets you eat those forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight (2024)


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It's the most famous and successful diet of modern times... but the strict rules put many people off. Now, in an exclusive series, the Mail brings you the ALL-NEW Atkins Diet - which lets you eat those once forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight. Your bikini body is just weeks away!

The All New Atkins Diet Plan which lets you eat those forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight (1)

The All-New Atkins Diet allows a wider range of foods than before

Dr Robert Atkins showed the world that weight loss doesn't mean you have to starve as long as you break free from the stranglehold of eating too many carbohydrates - or the wrong ones - which programme our bodies to produce and store more fat.

When you do Atkins, this is what happens: your body burns fat instead of storing it; you no longer crave unhealthy foods because you stabilise your blood sugar, eliminating such cravings for good; and most importantly, after you are no longer controlled by food, you are free to pursue your life's dreams.


When you eat food that contains carbohydrates, your body converts them directly to blood glucose, also known as glucose or blood sugar, which it uses for energy.

When you eat refined carbohydrates - sweets, cakes, white pasta, white bread, rice etc. - your blood sugar rises rapidly.

In response, your pancreas releases excessive amounts of the hormone insulin, which sops up some of the extra blood sugar by moving it from the blood to the muscles and liver where it is stored as a fuel reserve. What is not used for energy is then stored in fat cells.

That flood of insulin causes your blood sugar to plummet, along with your energy level and mood. Low blood sugar is a signal that your body is low on fuel and needs to restock by eating.

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The food your body screams for is more of the same - sugary, starchy carbohydrates - setting up a cycle of addiction.

But that's not the only thing - the insulin also signals the body to burn carbohydrates for fuel and store fat, so releasing too much insulin on a regular basis may be contributing to your weight problem.

To break the cycle, you need significantly to reduce your carbohydrate intake while you start burning fat, then re-introduce the 'good' carbohydrates that release energy slowly and have the least impact on blood sugar.

On Atkins, you count the grams of 'net carbs' you are eating, to make sure you limit your intake. This is easy, thanks to clear food packaging - and the menu plans below.


The best way to tell if you are overweight is by looking at your Body Mass Index (BMI), which can show you a healthy weight range for your height.

There is an excellent calculator at, or you can ask your doctor. Otherwise, you can work it out yourself by taking your weight in kilograms and dividing it by your height in metres squared.

Or, if you prefer, your weight in pounds divided by your height in inches squared x 703. The ideal range is 18.5 to 24.9.


The All New Atkins Diet Plan which lets you eat those forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight (3)

Refined carbohydrate causes blood sugar to rise rapidly

To calculate a food's net carb value, all you have to do is look at the information on the back of the packet. Find the total carbohydrate content and then subtract the amount of fibre.

For example, four spears of asparagus have 2.5g of total carbohydrates and 1g of fibre. That works out as 1.5g of net carbs.

To help you, we give the net carb values for all the foods in weekly meal plans overleaf. Alternatively, you can buy the Dr Atkins New Carbohydrate Counter book, which contains many net carb values.


Protein is the mainstay of the Atkins Nutritional Approach and the macronutrient on which every human diet relies.

Protein maintains normal metabolism, is essential to make enzymes and hormones, grows and repairs all tissues and keeps you satiated longer.

Eating adequate protein is essential for achieving your health goals. Protein is made of amino acids, also known as the building blocks of protein. We get protein mainly from poultry, beef, lamb, pork and other animal products, including almost anything that swims.

We also get it from animal by-products such as eggs, milk and cheese. Protein also comes in vegetable form, most notably soy, and also from seeds and nuts.

Compared with carbohydrates, protein has less of an effect on insulin (which drives fat storage), a greater effect on glucagon (which drives fat release) and a considerably greater increase in metabolic rate.

The Atkins guidelines call for at least 6oz of (weighed uncooked) protein at each meal. Older adults need at least 15 per cent more than younger people because they use protein less efficiently.


Fat is often and incorrectly cast as the bad guy in the nutritional drama, but natural fats - including saturated fats - are vital for good health.

Fat is an essential nutrient and a back-up energy source.

Fat also protects our organs from injury and our cells from the cold. It helps your body transport and absorb some of the fat-soluble vitamins from foods - a drizzle of olive oil or pat of butter helps transport fat- soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K to your cells.

It is also essential to satiety and dining pleasure - it carries flavour and helps you stick to a diet because your meals are tasty and more satisfying.

The bottom line is that when you control your carbohydrates, you can enjoy foods such as avocado, olives, meat and shellfish without guilt and without damage to your health.

As you gradually incorporate more carbohydrates into your diet and rely less on burning fat for energy, you slowly moderate your fat intake.


One of the defining aspects of the All New Atkins Advantage is that each person can tailor it to his or her own needs and tastes.

There are four phases to the diet. If you are willing to wait a little longer to lose weight, then just work through the phases as described below. But if you want to lose weight rapidly you can stay in the more restrictive induction phase for longer. These are the four phases:

1. The restrictive induction phase

You eat only a minimal amount of carbohydrates during this phase - around 20g of 'net carbs' a day (to work them out, see box above) - and will experience fairly rapid weight loss as your body switches from burning carbohydrates to fat. You should do this phase for two weeks, but you can do it for up to a maximum of six months, depending on how much weight you would like to lose.

2. The Ongoing Weight Loss Phase (OWL)

You slowly add a greater variety of carbohydrate food by 5g a week and will discover exactly how much carbohydrate you can eat while still losing weight. You stay in OWL until you have only five to ten pounds left to lose before reaching your ideal weight.

3. Pre-maintenance

You increase your carbohydrate intake by 10g a week, as long as you still keep losing pounds or inches. Your weight loss will slow to a crawl, but this is exactly what you want if your goal is permanent weight control.

During this phase, you will reach your goal weight. Once you have maintained it for a month, you are ready to move on to Lifetime Maintenance - not so much a phase as a permanent way of eating.

4. Lifetime Maintenance

This is not really a phase at all, but a permanent way of eating. We recommend that once you have reached your goal weight, you monitor it closely, being careful never to gain more than 5lb.

If you do gain more and haven't altered your diet, you may need to start doing some more exercise, or cutting back slightly on your carbohydrate intake.


In its initial phase, the All-New Atkins diet allows you to eat 20g of 'net carbs' a day.

To calculate a food's net carb value, check its label to find the total carbohydrate content and then subtract the amount of fibre (net carb values are also given overleaf).

Remember, along with your daily 20g of carbs you can eat plenty of protein foods such as meat and fish.

Here's an example of how one day's 20g carb allowance could work out:

  • Mixed salad (3 cups) = 3g.
  • Eggs (two) = 1g.
  • Cooked veg (1 cup) = 4g.
  • Cheese, 3/4oz (85g/115g) = 3g.
  • Avocado (half) = 2g.
  • Olives (10) = 2g.
  • Lemon juice (1 tbsp) = 1.5g.
  • Cream (1 tbsp) = 0.5g.
  • Salad dressing (2 tbsp) = 2g.
  • Sugar substitute (2 tsp) = 1g.

TOTAL = 20

NB: All measurements are in American cup sizes (available in homeware shops). Or use your measuring jug: 1 cup = 240ml = 8fl oz. 1/2 cup = 120ml = 4fl oz.


Induction is a powerful tool and your first step towards weight loss and a lifetime of better health. During this phase, you will switch your metabolism from one that burns carbohydrate to one that burns primarily fat.

By controlling your carbohydrate intake, you will stabilise your blood sugar and insulin levels, which enables you to escape the cravings and energy dips that can make it nearly impossible to control your weight.

Don't over- extend yourself during this period, because this phase requires some psychological and physical energy.

In some respects induction is the most rewarding part of the new Atkins Diet - after a few days, you will be rewarded with an energy surge accompanied by rapid weight loss.

We recommend you do it for a minimum of 14 days, because that's how long it will take to break your body's carbohydrate addiction. But you can stay on it for longer - until you have only 50-10lb left to lose.

Here are the rules of induction:

  • Eat only the foods on the Acceptable Foods in Induction list below.
  • Consume approximately 20 grams of net carbs a day, primarily from salad and other vegetables. See the box above for what 20g net carbs looks like in terms of a day's eating.
  • Eat at least 12 net carbs per day of acceptable vegetables - that's four cupfuls, three as salad and one of other vegetables from the lists below. You can have more if you stick to salad.
  • Spread your carbohydrate intake over the course of the day
  • Eat three regular meals or four or five small ones. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast, or go for more than six waking hours without eating.
  • Eat at least 6oz/170g (the size of two decks of cards) of protein at every meal.
  • Between meals eat a low carbohydrate snack if you are hungry, such as a boiled egg, a celery stick filled with cream cheese, or a slice of turkey wrapped around a steamed stalk of asparagus.
  • Drink two litres of water throughout the day.
  • Take a daily multivitamin, a fibre supplement (see below) and essential fatty acids.
  • Stay on the Induction phase for a minimum of two weeks.


The All New Atkins Diet Plan which lets you eat those forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight (4)

All fish and seafood are acceptable because they are virtually carb-free

  • All fish, including tuna, salmon, sole, trout, sardines, herring.

All fowl, including chicken, turkey, duck, goose, quail, pheasant.

All shellfish, including oysters, mussels, lobster, clams, squid, prawns, crab (limit oysters and mussels to 4oz/115g a day as they have higher carbs).

All meat, including beef, pork, lamb, veal, ham, venison.

All eggs, including scrambled, fried, poached, boiled or as omelettes. You can eat all these liberally because they're virtually carb-free.

  • Around 3-4oz (85g-115g) a day of any cheese, including cheddar, gouda, edam, mozzarella, roquefort or other blue cheese, Swiss cheese, any cow, goat or sheep cheese. There is around one net carb in every 1oz/28g of cheese, so include it in your allowance.
  • Salad vegetables: You should eat 12-15 net carbs a day of vegetables. Salad vegetables are high in nutrients and provide a good source of fibre.

They provide 1g of carbohydrates per cup of vegetables, and include: alfalfa sprouts, bok choi, celery, chicory, chives, cucumber, daikon, fennel, lettuce - any sort, including rocket, endive, radicchio, romaine etc - mushrooms, parsley, radishes and sorrel.

  • Other vegetables: These are slightly higher in carb content, but add variety in flavour and nutrients. They provide 6g carbohydrates per cup, and include: artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, bamboo shoots, bean shoots, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, courgette, hearts of palm, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onion, peppers, pumpkin, rhubarb, sauerkraut, spring onions, sugar snaps, spinach, string beans, squash, tomato, turnips and water chestnuts.
  • Salad garnishes: crumbled crisp bacon, grated cheese, chopped hard boiled egg, sauteed mushrooms, sour cream.
  • Spices: Add herbs and spices to taste as long as they do not contain any added sugar. Choose, for example basil, cayenne pepper, coriander, dill, garlic, ginger, oregano, pepper, rosemary, sage, tarragon and thyme.
  • Dressings: Oil (see below), vinegar and lemon juice plus herbs and spices. Prepared dressings with no added sugar and no more than two carbs per tbsp are fine.
  • Fats and oils: Olive oil and all other vegetable oils, including sesame, sunflower, walnut, grapeseed, especially if cold-pressed. Butter is allowed. You do not have to remove the skin or fat from meat or poultry. Be sure to eat plenty of oily fish.
  • Artificial sweeteners: The Atkins preference is sucralose, marketed as Splenda, the only sweetener made from sugar. It is safe, non- calorific and does not raise blood sugar. It contains some carbs, so include in your allowance.
  • Beverages: Water - you must drink eight 250ml/8 fl oz glasses of water a day of filtered, mineral, spring or tap water - a total of two litres.You can also drink clear broth/bouillon (read the label and make sure there is no carbohydrate in it), soda water, coffee and tea, diet drinks make with sucralose (count the carbs), 'no calorie' drinks and herbal tea.
  • Special category foods: For variety you can eat ten to 20 olives, half a small avocado, 1oz/28g sour cream or 3oz/85g cream and 2/3 tbsp of lemon or lime juice.

You should also take three supplements a day: a multivitamin, essential fatty acids and fibre. For fibre, consume a minimum of 2tsp of ground flaxseed, unprocessed bran or psyllium husks daily (all of these are available in health food shops).

You can also eat any Atkins advantage food products, available from branches of Boots or online at Other low carbohydrate products are available from health food stores and by mail order, including from Avidlite on 01234 273 400 or online at or (NB: Trying to do a low-fat version of the Atkins Nutritional Approach may interfere with fat burning and derail your weight loss.)



BREAKFAST: Atkins Advantage Morning Bar (3 net carbs), 2 boiled eggs (1)

SNACK: 1/4 cup ricotta (2), 1 celery stalk (1)

LUNCH: Salmon salad: 8oz/225g salmon mixed with 2 tbsp mayo, 1 tbsp parsley, 1/2 cup sliced cucumber (1), 2 cups mixed salad leaves (2).

Top with 4 spears asparagus (2) and 2 tbsp vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g grilled chicken breast, 1/2 cup roasted broccoli (1), 1 cup cos lettuce, 2oz/ 57g Parmesan (2), five olives (1), Caesar dressing (1)

SNACK: 1/2 cup sugar-free jelly (1), 2 tbsp cream (1/2)

TOTAL: 20 1/2g


BREAKFAST:Florentine omelette: 2 eggs (1), 2oz/56g grated cheddar (2), 1 cup chopped spinach (1), 3 bacon rashers (1)

SNACK:1/2 avocado (2)

LUNCH: Chicken salad: 8oz/225g chicken mixed with 1/2 cup sliced cucumber (1), 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes (2), dill, 2 tbsp mayo, 2 cups mixed leaves (2), vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 1 cup clear broth (1), Sauteed prawns: 8oz/225g prawns, sauteed in butter, garlic (1), chopped parsley, 2 cups cos lettuce (2), 5 black olives (1), creamy ranch dressing (2)

SNACK:1oz /28g edam (1)

TOTAL: 22g


BREAKFAST:1 slice rye toast (3), 2 sliced smoked salmon, 2 tbsp cream cheese (1)

SNACK:1 boiled egg (0.5)

LUNCH:1 cup chicken broth, Chef salad: 2 slices each of thick ham, turkey, roast beef, 1 chopped boiled egg (1), 1oz/28g blue cheese, 2 slices bacon crumbled over three cups mixed salad (3), vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g grilled steak with 1/2 cup each of courgette and mushrooms, sauteed (2.5), 1 cup rocket (1), 1/2 cup sliced cucumber (1), ranch dressing (1)

SNACK: Hot chocolate: 1/2 cup plain soya milk, 1 tbsp cocoa, 1 tsp Splenda (3)

TOTAL: 19g


BREAKFAST:2 scrambled eggs (1), 1 slice rye toast (3), 2 bacon rashers

SNACK:A stick of celery filled with 2 tbsp of cream cheese (3)

LUNCH:8oz/225g turkey burger with 1 tbsp ketchup (1), 2 cups lettuce (2), 1 oz/28g crumbled feta cheese and vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g grilled tuna, 1/2 cup steamed artichoke hearts (2), 2 cups mixed salad leaves with vinaigrette (4)

SNACK: Atkins Advantage Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar (2)

TOTAL: 20g


BREAKFAST: Spiced turkey and egg scramble: 3oz/85g turkey mince with 2 scrambled eggs (2). Season with salt, red pepper flakes and hot pepper sauce

SNACK:1oz/28g Swiss cheese (1)

LUNCH:Chicken soup: 8oz/ 225g shredded poached chicken, 1/2 cup mushrooms (1 1/2) in 1 cup chicken broth (1), 2 cups endive (1), 5 olives (1), vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g roasted pork tenderloin, 3 cups cos lettuce (3), 1oz/28g crumbled blue cheese (1), 2 tbsp sundried tomatoes (2), vinaigrette (2)

SNACK: 1 stalk celery, 2 tbsp soy nut butter (2)

TOTAL: 19.5g


BREAKFAST:Atkins Advantage Peanut Granola Bar (3), 1 boiled egg (1/2)

SNACK:1oz/28g cheddar (1)

LUNCH: Cobb salad: 6oz/170g grilled chicken, 1 slice bacon crumbled, 1/2 avocado (2) and 1oz/28g blue cheese, crumbled (1), over 3 cups mixed leaves (3) with vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: Beef sauté: 8oz/225g minced beef sautéed with 5 chopped black olives, 1/4 cup tomato sauce (3) and 1 cup chopped spinach (1); creamy mashed cauliflower: 1 cup steamed cauliflower (2) mashed with 1 tbsp butter and 2 tbsp cream (0.5)

SNACK: 5 black olives (1)

TOTAL: 20g


BREAKFAST:2 fried eggs (1), 1 cup mushrooms and sautéed tomatoes (2.5)

SNACK:1/2 avocado (2)

LUNCH:Blue cheese burger: 1 8oz/225g hamburger patty with 1oz/28g melted blue cheese (1), 1/2 cup chopped cherry tomatoes (2); 2 cups mixed salad leaves with ranch dressing (2)

DINNER: Chicken parmigiana: 8oz/ 225g chicken breast topped with a cup of tomato sauce (3) and 1oz/28g fresh mozzarella cheese (1), 1/2 cup grilled aubergine (2), 1 cup salad leaves (1) with vinaigrette (1)

SNACK:1 boiled egg (1)

TOTAL: 19.5g



BREAKFAST: Nut smoothie: 1 tbsp soy nut butter (1); blend with 1 cup natural soya milk (3), 2 scoops whey protein vanilla shake (2), 4 ice-cubes

SNACK:1 boiled egg (0.5)

LUNCH: 4 slices corned beef, 2 slices Swiss cheese (2), 1/2 cup sauerkraut (2) served over 2 cups of spinach, steamed (1) with mustard vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g grilled salmon steak splashed with 1 tbsp soy sauce (1) served with mixed salad leaves (2) and half a cup of cucumber (1) drizzled with 1 tbsp peanut oil and 1tbsp unseasoned rice wine vinegar (2)

SNACK:5 black olives (1)

TOTAL: 20.5g


BREAKFAST:1 poached egg (1/2) on 1 slice low-carb multigrain toast (3), 1oz/28g cheese, melted, 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes (2)

SNACK:1 Atkins Advantage Morning Start Bar (2)

LUNCH:1 cup vegetable broth; 2 cups baby spinach (1), 8oz/ 225g roast turkey, 1 bacon rasher, crumbled, blue cheese dressing (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g lamb chops, grilled, 1 cup steamed cauliflower (2); 1 cup mixed salad, ranch dressing (1); 1/2 avocado (2)

SNACK: Prawn co*cktail: 6 steamed prawns with co*cktail sauce (3)

TOTAL: 18.5g


BREAKFAST: 2 scrambled eggs (1), 1oz cheddar (1), 1 tbsp each salsa and sour cream (2)

SNACK:Atkins Advantage Ready-to-Drink French Vanilla Shake (2)

LUNCH: 1 cup chicken broth; 8oz/ 225g grilled chicken breast with pesto sauce (1/4 cup fresh basil with 2 tbsp olive oil, 1oz grated Parmesan) (1), 1 cup cos lettuce (1), vinaigrette (1)

DINNER: Fish fajita: 8oz/225g pan-fried cod and 1 slice cheddar wrapped in a low-carb tortilla (3), 2 cups mixed salad leaves (2) with 1/2 cup button mushrooms, chopped (1), and vinaigrette (2)

SNACK: 1/2 avocado (2)

TOTAL: 19g


BREAKFAST:1 boiled egg (1/2), 1 Atkins Advantage Morning Bar (2)

SNACK:1 celery stalk, herb dip (2)

LUNCH: Broccoli soup: 1/2 cup of broccoli, pureed with 1/4 cup liquid and 1/4 cup single cream (3); 1/2 avocado (2) with 8oz/225g crab/tuna with mayo, 2 cups spinach (2), vinaigrette (2)

DINNER: 8oz/225g gammon steak, 1/2cup green beans with butter and chopped mint (3), 1 cup mixed leaves (1), vinaigrette (1)

SNACK: 1/2 cup cucumber slices (1), 1oz/28g smoked salmon, 1tbsp cream cheese (1)

TOTAL: 20.5g


BREAKFAST:Atkins Advantage French Vanilla Ready-to-Drink Shake (2), 2 boiled eggs (1)

SNACK:1oz/28g soy nuts (1)

LUNCH:1 cup chicken broth Open ham sandwich: 1 slice low-carb rye bread (3), 2 thick slices baked ham, 2 slices U.S. cheese (2) with mayo and mustard, 1/2 cup sliced cucumber (1) served on 1/2 cup endive (1), with 1 tbsp vinaigrette (1)

DINNER: 2 grilled veal chops seasoned with butter that's been mixed with chopped sage, 1/2 cup sautéed courgette (3), 2 cups mixed leaves (3), drizzled with vinaigrette (2)

SNACK: 1oz/28g cheese (1)

TOTAL: 21g


BREAKFAST: Greek omelette: 61/2cup spinach (1), 2oz/56g feta cheese (2), 2 eggs (1), 1 small tomato, sliced (1)

SNACK:Atkins Advantage Fudge Brownie Bar (2)

LUNCH: 1 cup beef broth (1), 8oz/225g poached chicken on 2 cups cos lettuce, 1/2 cup sugar snap peas (3), drizzled with sesame oil (1), 1 slice low-carb rye bread (3)

DINNER: 8oz/225g pan-fried halibut, 1/2 cup steamed string beans (3), 1 cup mixed leaves (1) with vinaigrette (1)

SNACK: 5 black olives (1)

TOTAL: 21g


BREAKFAST:Atkins Advantage Peanut Butter Granola Bar (3), 1 boiled egg (1/2)

SNACK:1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes (2) and 1oz mozzarella cheese, sliced (1), drizzled with olive oil (1)

LUNCH:8oz/225g cooked prawns, mixed with mayonnaise and chopped flat leaf parsley (3), 1 slice low-carb rye bread (3)

DINNER: 8oz/225g pork tenderloin seasoned with rosemary, salt and pepper (1), 1 cup mixed leaves (1) with ranch dressing (1)

SNACK: Hot chocolate: 1/2 cup plain soya milk with 1 tbsp cocoa powder and 1 tsp Splenda, heated (3)

TOTAL: 19.5g

Extracted from The All-New Atkins Diet by Stuart L .Trager with Colette Heimowitz, published by St Martin's Press. To order a copy, log onto

The All New Atkins Diet Plan which lets you eat those forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight (2024)


What is the fastest way to lose weight on the Atkins diet? ›

Losing weight is fastest if you limit carbohydrates to 20 grams. To make it easier, we have two wonderful weekly meal plans with 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

What is the new Atkins diet? ›

The new or Modified Atkins Diet (MAD) is an altered version of the original Atkins diet-- a ketogenic, weight loss eating plan with a very low carbohydrate content.

What is the daily carb limit on the Atkins diet? ›

The Atkins diet has evolved since its creation in 1972. There are now two Atkins diets: Atkins 20 (the original diet, which is described here and is based on intake of 20 grams of Net Carbs) and the new Atkins 40, which is less strict (based on intake of 40 grams of Net Carbs).

What is the strict Atkins diet plan? ›

In this strict phase, you cut out almost all carbohydrates from your diet. You eat just 20 grams of net carbs a day, mainly from vegetables. Instead of getting about half of your daily calories from carbohydrates, as recommended by most nutrition guidelines, you get only about 10%.

What do you eat the first 2 weeks on the Atkins diet? ›

Phase 1 (induction): Under 20 grams (g) of carbs per day for 2 weeks. Eat high-fat, high-protein, with low carb vegetables like leafy greens. This kick-starts the weight loss. Phase 2 (balancing): Slowly add more nuts, low-carb vegetables, and small amounts of fruit back to your diet.

How long does it take to lose 15 pounds on Atkins? ›

Most people experience relatively rapid weight loss in Phase 1, Induction. After two weeks, weight loss could range from 4 to 15 pounds, although only very heavy people tend to lose that large an amount.

What fruit can you eat on Atkins? ›

Fiber and nutrient-rich vegetables: asparagus, broccoli, celery, cucumber, salad greens, avocado, green beans, bell peppers, etc. Meats: lamb, beef, pork, chicken and turkey. Lower sugar fruits: melon, berries, cherries, apples, grapefruits and oranges.

Can you eat cheese on the Atkins diet? ›

Keep in mind that cheese does contain carbs, about 1 gram per ounce, and we recommend consuming no more than 3-4 ounces of cheese per day. An ounce is about the size of an individually wrapped slice of American cheese or a 1-inch cube.

Will Atkins diet lose belly fat? ›

Fortunately, Atkins is naturally low in carbs that convert to sugar. And when carbs are low enough, your body is burning fat for fuel, which is what you want to burn when you have fat storage (especially around the belly).

Is oatmeal allowed on Atkins? ›

With Atkins, you're eliminating the refined grains that a wreak havoc with your waistline and blood sugar levels. Whole grains are rich in fiber. Depending on your personal carb tolerance, you can enjoy steel-cut oats (instead of rolled oats), and try small amounts of hearty grains like quinoa, faro and barley.

What happens if I only eat 20 carbs a day? ›

Severe carb limits can cause your body to break down fat into ketones for energy. This is called ketosis. Ketosis can cause side effects such as bad breath, headache, fatigue and weakness.

What are the cons of the Atkins diet? ›

Cons: If you've lost weight on the Atkins diet, as with most diets, you're likely to gain it back, research shows. Also, eating too much animal fat on this type of diet can raise your chances of heart disease and cancer. You may also feel some side effects from cutting carbs, such as: Headache.

Can you eat unlimited meat on Atkins? ›

The Atkins diet relies less on ratios, but the concept is similar: You can eat unlimited protein and fat, and in phase one, you only eat 20 grams of net carbs, ideally from low-carb vegetables, according to Goodson.

What foods cannot be eaten on the Atkins diet? ›

Foods to avoid
  • starchy vegetables, such as corn and potatoes.
  • fruits with high sugar content, such as pineapple, mango, papaya, and banana.
  • sweets, including cookies, candies, cakes, and soft drinks.
  • refined or simple carbs, including white bread, pasta, and foods containing processed grains.
Jan 30, 2020

Can I eat avocado on Atkins? ›

In order to achieve your 5-a-day, followers of the Atkins diet need to understand which fruit and veg are low in carbs. Good choices of non-starchy veg are courgette, cucumber and leafy greens like spinach. Low carb fruits include avocado and olives.

Can you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks on Atkins? ›

The Atkins Diet website claims that you will lose up to 15 lbs. in the first two weeks, or phase 1, of the diet. During phase 2, which usually begins in your third week of the diet, you continue to lose weight, but at a more moderate rate, while adding more foods back into your diet.

How much weight can you lose in a week on Atkins? ›

Pros: You may lose a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks on the Atkins diet, but their website says just 1-2 pounds is typical. It's also possible you'll avoid or reverse certain health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. But that's the case with many diets that lead to weight loss.

Why is my weight loss so slow on Atkins? ›

Maybe protein is the problem? It's a misconception that protein is a 'free' food on Atkins and it's not true. We give specific guidelines about how much you should aim for and having more protein than recommended can slow results. So stick to 115 – 175 grams per meal of foods like chicken, beef, fish and lamb.

Will I lose belly fat on Atkins? ›

The evidence is clear: hands down, the best way to burn body fat is to switch to a fat-burning metabolism by controlling your carb intake. The best way to whittle your waist is to combine the Atkins Diet and regular exercise, which will enable you to achieve a healthy weight, reduce fat and build muscle.

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Article information

Author: Chrissy Homenick

Last Updated:

Views: 6133

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.