The Taylorville Daily Breeze Courier from Taylorville, Illinois (2024)

a Two Thursday Tie-ups. Try George W. Leach, Edinburg, 21 18 Regulating famous Lula Wooters, Edinburg, 24 practice Mason F. Wise, Mt. Auburn, convinced Minnie Smith, Mt.

Auburn, 19 powerful ket. Excursion To St. Louis. June 6th, the WaOn Saturday bash will sell tickets from this city the extreme low rate to St. Louis at for the round trip.

Tickets of $1.50 will be good leaving on train No. 11 and trains 3 and 11 Sun. Saturday, expire Sunday at midday, and will night. Arrival Extraordinary. Immortal is with us The after several months absence.

again enjoying his usual good health He is and is in excellent spirits. The power" allow him to spend a few will only this city, but he says he will days in improve the opportunity by lifting will the veil and scattering the forces. He for Pana on a brief visit then leave to his many friends. Bums, Keep off our Grass. Edward Holland and George Sulliwho were put off a van, two hobos, west bound freight train Wednesday while enroute to East St.

night, Louis, were arrested this ring, and charges of vagrancy prefer- fined red against them. Each was $25 and costa, but judgment was stayed upon defendants promising to leave the city which they did, each with a tie ticket in his possession. such Probate Court. Frank Weakley, administrator of of Emma Weakley, dethe estate filed a petition asking that ceased, he be permitted to use the wards' which is now in his posmoney, session, to pay off an incumberance of $695 on cert in real estate in this belonging to the estate of the city, deceased. J.

R. Greenwood, administrator of the estate of Basil Greenwood, deceased, filed inventory. Mortuary. Mrs. Scott Hancock received a telegram on Wednesday afternoon Mansfield, stating that from father, G.

W. Farst, was not her expected to live, and in response thereto left last night for that city. Mr. Hancock received a telegram from his wife this morning, conveysad intelligence that her ing the had died at 2 o'clock, shortfather her arrival. Mr.

Hanly before leave. for Mansfield this cock will evening to attend the funeral. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Use White Foam Flour. -A good girl at the house.

Pure mixed paints in all colors at B. Purnell's. See the fine assortment of ham mocks at L. B. Parnells.

Small amounts of money to loan on short time. JANES B. ABRAMS, A good White's sewing machine sale cheap. R. M.

POTTS. A full line of ladies' and misses' corset waists. THE FAIR. FOR SALE. -Two good residence of M.

Coplin, with lots. Inquire H. M. Powel Son FOR RENT. -A hotel.

Will ply board on rent. R. M. POTTS. Dr.

Doty, the noted specialist, will be at the Antlers Inne 3d, 4th and three days only. See ad. in this 5th, issue. Lost -Between opera house C. G.

Young's residence, a ruffled handkerchief with lace on it. Finder. will please leave here. The Only Woman's Salvation BREEZE PUBLISHED DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) BY FRANK REED, TAYLORVILLE, ILLINOIS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 85.00 One 1.25 One 10 cts One Week. Entered at the Post-office at Taylorville, Illinois as second class matter.

Advertising office. rates made known on applicaIon at the THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1896. Today's Market Quotations. the J. N.

C. Shumway block. They have a private wire to Chicago and New York and have continuous quotations open to the public: Track buying a specialty. Low. Close.

Articles. Wheat July 57 September Corn. July 28 29 September Oats. 18 18 18 18 September Pork. $7 02 $7 10.

84 $7 07 25 7 25 07 7 25 September July 12 22 37 27 15 Lard. September 4 30 35 July. Ribs. 3 3 77 92 3 92 3 85 18. The weather is not altogether favorable for corn and the com parative strength of this commodity is arousing some anxiety on the part of those who have so largely oversold the provision market.

Crop bulletins are generally rewheat thin and short. The porting Missouri crop report shows a decline of 5 points and carry solid arguments into bear ranks. The weekly government report there has been too much rain says for perfect conditions. Commission houses are doing a fair busiand bids for cash wheat are ness numerous. Armour is believed to have taken on a good deal of -wheat lately.

Chicago receipts today: Car lots, Wheat, 9 following quotations are furThe nished by W. W. Whitlow commerchants who have an office mission Corn, 454 Oats, 363 Estimates -Wheat 11, 450, oats 350, hogs 24, 000. Primary receipts- Wheat, against 208,000 last year; against 525,000 last receipts, 279,000 against last year; shipments, against 266,000 last year. Minneapolis wheat receipts--To196, last week 305, last year Duluth wheat receipts--Today last week 133, last year Toledo wheat receipts Today last week 438, last year Clearances, all parts Wheat, 600,200 flour, 31,000 515,000 wheat and 740,000 bu.

-Wheat flour equal, 776,000 bu. With 380,000 bu. of wheat out Boston and New York to start looks as if the clearance very large. New wheat was shipped from Louis yesterday. Harvest is gressing finely.

Official crop report has been sued. It shows winter wheat against 55 last month. Union stock yards receipts: Number of Hogs, 27,000 Cattle, 9,000 Sheep, 10,000 Hog market opened slow, $3.00 good, heavy, rough, heavy, $2.70 light, $3.10 $3.37. Cattle and sheep steady. Hog market closed strong; $3.00 heavy, $2.80 $3.20.

Cattle, quiet. Sheep lambs, slow. Kansas City receipts -Hogs, 000; cattle, 4,000. Omaha receipts--Hogs, cattle, 7,500. London cables- -Wheat, off steady; on passage, steady.

lish country markets cheaper. Corn, off coast, passage, quiet but steady. spot, 4d lower. Corn, spot, Id lower. French country firm.

A cable from Abel Rey in the French erop will' says any more than an average. Court of Honor. Regular meeting of Ideal Court, -No: 28, tonight at eight o'clock. good attendance is desired, Pure mixed paints in all colors at Lem 1s, Purnell's. Girl Wanted.

-By Saturday morninge Good wages and steady work to right party. Enquire here, Dr. Tablets, the prescription of a Jackson's English Female as Specialist, and you will be English Physician, years that it is the only safe, prompt, marand reliable remedy in the 81 a box, and 83 a box for cases of standing, by Send mail for circular. prepaid. Medical Address free.

Medical P. 0. Box store ChiIll. For sale by Hogan's drug Cripple Creek and the west, Wabash railroad is the shortest quickest line. Call on W.

H. for maps, rates and routes. an account of a man the shot himself rather than suffer of nervous weakness. HUSBAND "The fool! Why didn't he use used Dr. suffer as bad as he did bafore I comQuick Nerve Restorer? I taking Dr.

Jackson's English Nerve Restorer 81 a box, or six for 85, with absolute guarantee to mail prepaid. Send Jackson for circu- Medby Medical adyice free. P. 0. Box Chicago, Ill.

For by Hogan's drug store. WANTED AT Active agents each county. Exclusive control no risk. Will 12 to hundred dollars a year. Enclose for full particulars or 250 $1 sample.

RAPIDS MINERAL WATER Co. Big Rapids, Mich. What the Dr. Jackson's English Safety will do if used as a wash Tablets directions: Prevents transmission to diseases, skin diseases, acute blood chronic ulcers, stricture, fissure hands and feet, eczema, tetter, rheumatism, inflamation of the and muscles, bladder, diseases of the bones, joints syphilitic insanity, The above scurvey, and many scrofula forms of forms. diseases are traceable directly which indirectly the to Dr.

Jackson's English Safety Syphilitic Blood Poison, Tablets le a sure preventive, and a is Germ Killer, rendering value. contagion If neglected, hardly possible, troubles result its fatally. Mailed hence where, sealed, 81 a box: six boxes Send for circular. Medical advice Jackson Medical P. O.

Box cago, Ill. For sale by Hogan's drug, Mrs. A. Sandstedt Sixth and streets, Omaba, Nebraska, writes: have had sick headaches for and was very sick to my stomach terrible pain in my 1 had a Since taking Dr. Kay's Renovator had an attack." Sold have not druggists or sent by mail, 25 and $1.

See advertisement. Jayne, Taylorville, Illinois. don't you try Dr. Jackson's Say, English why Quick Nerve Restorer? great mous English Physician, will vitalizer, prescription of a cure of all nervous or diseases of quickly generative organs, such as lost manhood, insomnia. pains in the back, emissions, nervous debility every and Drains and- losses ended, to of discharge, which, if happy married life removed.

checked, quickness leads to spermatorrhoea and the horrors of impotency. Dr. Jackson's English Quick Restorer cures the severest cases. are not cured by doctors. because 90 are troubled with prostratis this is the only remedy which will without and if operation.

boxes We does guarantee not cure, refund the remedy a permanent 81 a box; six boxes for $5, by mail paid. Send for circulars. Jackson Medical Medical vice free. Address P. O.

Box Chicago, Ill. For Hogan's drug store. Ordinance No. 184. by the city council of the city ordained Taylorville: I.

That a three-foot plank sidewalk constructed on the south Webster side street; of Second also from Clay plank walk on the west side of Clay street to from First street on to the Second north streetp side of plank running sidewalk west from David Birchfeld's extending from Harrison walk street on the side First street, from Simpson street street; a three-foot plank Shumway of street; a three- foot plank sidewalk side of Madison street, from sidewalk First east south street; side a of Park three-foot street, from Cherokee plank east to Pawpaw street; side a of four Poplar foot street, plank on the north Walnut street to Cherokee east side street; of a Wash three plank sidewalk the on north end of the south the Barnes' addition to the town, now city, street, from Taylorville: side of a Washington street, from Adams three foot. plank, sidewalk west south to the corner of Barnes' residence; three-foot plank sidewalk Madison on the street south west side Cross street, from residence; a four foot plank walk on the west side north of to the Cherokee B. 0. street, Main foot Cross plank street sidewalk on the south side block. Cross Also a seven-toot concrete sidewalk street, from Wyandotte street west side of Walnut street, from street south one half block; an side of eight street, sidewalk from on Main street east two blocks; the south eight street, concrete from sidewalk Market on the street Franklin of Main street; a six-foot concrete sidewalk north side pl Franklin street, in street; front Keller's residence, walk to on the west side four-foot concrete street, from Franklin street Christian church.

Washington SEC. IL. That the construction of a said Local be taken and fourths held of to be the total provement to be and paid three for by a special taxation the abutting property in proportion the to frontage thereof upon to said be street, br A one -fourth thereof paid SEC. taxation III. of the Also a three foot plank sidewalk said city of Taylorville.

north side of Park street, from Main IV. That said sidewalk shall be Walnut street. stracted and said taxes levied and and provisions collected cording Ordinance to the No. 47, of the revised ordinances requirements city of Taylorville, the same City being of the Jorville," and as amended by Ordinance No. Revised Ordinances of the amending Section 8 of dinance No.

which said Ordinance No. being an ordinance amended a part by of said this ordinance as fully 05 Ordinance No. 19, is made provisions thereof were fully set forth Passed fled and approved June 1. TEMPLE, 1896. Attest: FRANK ROGERS.

R. City Clerk. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION. State of Illinois, county of Christian, We, Taylorville, the undersigned mayor and clerk city of Taylorville, in the hereby county certify of that and state of ordinance do was passed by the foregoing or the city of by the city clerk on date anixed thereto. Ty the mayor thereot and the mony whereof, we bave hereunto of the our and afixed the this First corporate day of seal Attest: Taylorville, R.

B. TEMPLE, FRANK ROGERS, City Clerk. W. R. FISHER LIVERY, Near Southeast Corner Square.

Special attention to Parties, Complete Funeral Turnout, cluding, pall bearers and carriages. Commercial Work a Specialty. ARE! We have the largest stock of QUEENSW ARE in the city, Possibly larger than the combined stock of all other dealers. We have fifteen patterns of Decorated Dinner Sets to select from both in Meekin's Semi-Porcelain and American Ware. One hundred piece sets at 7.00.

9.00. 10.00. 12.50. 15.00. Dishes never were as.

cheap. Come in and look at them. We shall be pleased to show them to you, and can save you MONEY. ONE DENTIST RATIO Is so hard run for cash that he charges double for night or Sunday calls. you But with myself there is no extra charges for such calls.

DR. HENSHIE -THEPainless Dentist Northeast Corner Square. Melverse Mahoney PLUMBERS and TINNERS, Steam, Hot Water, Furnace Work, and Gas Fitting. Guns, Revolvers and Locks Bicycles, Repaired. All work done first-class and GUARANTEEDI Get our prices before having your work done, AUCTION! long advice Jackson cago, For the and Skelton who pangs Jackson's to menced Quick Nothing 40 distressing as to as suffer from -headache; it; nothing so dangerous if allowed to connothing so foolish tinue.

Your headache can be cured if you Hed-Ake Kure does the businees. Insist use the right remedy. Dr. Jackson's on free. Jackson Medical P.

0. Box having the genuine. Medical advice Chicago, Ill. For sale by Hogan's drug store. FOR SALE.

-A seven-room dwellthree blocks from square, with fruit, water and good barn, in house. W. P. OVERAND. gas St.

Louis Excursion. The Wabash will offer extremely low rates from Danville and all other intervening points to St. -Louis Saturday, Jane 6th to those desiring to see the alevantation and ruin wrought by the recent tornado. The fare for the round trip from this city will be $1.50. The train leaves this city at 7549.

a. m. Saturday, returning train leaving St. Louis Sunday at 0:15 p. I m.

7:80 O'CLOCK. WHAT NICER THAN A GOOD Gasoline Stove for the HOT Weather WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST THE TWIN BURNER. EASY TO OPERATE. Does the work for which it was constructed and DOES IT WELL. Spot Cash EXAGGERATION not necessary in describing our methods of testing eyesight, selecting sort of glasses to remedy right or the glasses themselves facts are sufficient.

We have record of many patrons relieved long aided and the fact that we guarsatisfaction is warrant enough proper treatment and fair dealing. G. ANDERSON, South Side Square, TAYLORVILLE, ILLINOIS abash hi Trains leave Taylorville as follows: GOING WEST. City 4:48 8:38 No. No.

5. Express (mall). 4:28 No. No. 11, Louis 7:49 15, Louts Limited.

Bc. Louis 12:47 4:48 No. No. Mall 11:02 No. Local GOING EAST.

4:48 No. No. 6, fAciantic Express 10:36 No. 14. Limited.

11:02 No. 10, Decatur No, No. 10, 2. New York Boston Limited No. 12, Express Local except Sunday.

No. 70, only. No. 1 will not stop at Taylorville Taylorville. No.

6 will stop at and on chair from Will carry Kansas Ulty through to Toledo, sleeper new York No. 8, sleepers and chair car seats Hostou without change. No. 2 has through sleepers chair between Chicago and St Louis. between St.

Louis, New York in and anion Boston. Toledo, Detroit, St. Louis, Direct connections made and Chicago for all points and ticketed through to W. H. destination.

BERLTON, P. C. 8. CRANE, Gen. Pase'r and Ticket B.

0. S-W. RY. Trains leave Taylorville as follows: For pm. 12:51 Am Lonis 8:31 am Pans pm.

17:01 am. 15:15 pm. Springfield am. 19:26 a.m. 17:05 pm.

17:05 pm Flors. 8:31 7 am am For detail information regarding rates, Bunday. time on connecting lines, sleeping, parlor etc. WHITE, address Ticket Taylorville, Or M. Gen.

Pass. Bt. Louis, Mo, TONIGHT -AT THEFIRE STORE! OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. 15 of salt in other or for safe $5. free.

Chiitore Mar- years and head. by cents H. This you the seminal pimples. obstacle Prevents not all Nerve which and cure our effect mouey. post sale by DEFIANCE MEATS! RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES.

Milligan Plowman of the above brand of their cured having on hand a large supply meats, decided to their retail custom the benefit of wholeand as they are wholesaleing none of them in Taylorville, sale they Tne following are the prices subject to market changes: have give prices. Rendered Defiance 61e Pure Kettle Sugar Cured Defiance 64 ..10 104 Sugar Cured Defiance California 8 Sugar Cured Defiance Boneless 6 Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, 10 Defiance Shoulders, Sugar Cured Defiance Light Sugar Cured Defiance Defiance Light Defiance Heavy Bacon. Defiance DOCTOR DOTY THE EMINENT AND SUCCESSFUL CHICAGO SPECIALIST gives a corn 000 ments, year. Corn, 441,000 000 day 123. 241, 427, corn, the equal, and it get pt pm DID am am am Ar IL ani 7:54 pm 9:05 pm 9:30 pm 11:54 2:40 pm signal.

car. and free cars stations City passengers T. A. Agt. 75.

198. ley flour Lem St. for pro- is49 of with might mixed, $3.10 light, and 12,5 coast, Engpartially quiet; on Wheat, quiet, marketing, Paris, not be Be it of SECTION shall be street, a three-foot street, three-foot the street residence, Cheeney south to on the Second the street sidewalk from foot ington end of of the street a Main James side from a four Main one on the Cross concrete Cross B1 side the John to the thereof upon and the to the as WRITTEN GUARANTEE TO CURE CHRONIC and NERVOUS Diseases! Ear Nose Throat STOMACH Lungs Liver Heart Kidney Bladder 8 WOMB Examination and One Consultation, Month's Attention Free of Charge. and medicine that cure where Dr. Doty's new instruments Ladies others have failed.

All deformities and irregularities promptly cured. is the defects simple and antee for Polishing Wheels Allen Taylor is now fully prepared to do all EMERY WORE Such as Polishing Plows, Rolling Coulters, Disc Harrows, Etc. N. C. SHUMWAY.

F. DAVIDSON. SHUMWAY DAVIDSON, FIRE INSURANCE. Good Companies, Good Polices, Prompt Adjustmente. MONEY TO LOAN TOWN PROPERTY and FARMS, Taylorville, Illinois.

Dr.W. H. Houser DENTIST, removed his office. from over Has Cohen's clothing store to the second rooms, over Williams 4 floor, front Lienhart's drug store. cured.

afflicted with lost manhood, vital losses, Are you wasting diseases. Consult Young Men Dr. impotency, Doty. private or Catarrh Which paves way and spitting stopped. Thousands the for consumption should -be checked.

Have that hawking cured yearly. blood syphilis, thorDiseases, sores, pimples, leaving tumors, blood in a pure and healthful state. Blood eradicated, Positively cured by modicines alone; no cutting; no pay Rupture until you have thrown truss away and are cured. SURGERY. at patient's home or at Dr.

Doty's Hospital All surgical cases performed graduate of the best medical colleges in America in Chicago. Dr. Doty is a and references with him for the benand Germany and carries his diplomas recently returned from Europe after four efit of the unbelieving. college and hospitals of Berlin, Vienna and laving years' study and practice in the many diseases considered incurable with Hiedelberg, he is able to master Doty ja'at present an active member of promptness that Health to marvelous. Departinent Dr.

and may be depended upon to fulfill his the Chicago treats all medical and surgical diseases. promises in every respect. 3rd 4th, and 5th. Three HOTEL, JuneDr. Doty will be at ANTLERS Remember date, days only and return monthly.

Hotel, June 3rd, 4th. 5th. Antlers 250 -STATE CHICAGO. DR. DOTY, Mayor.

city of of the Christian the city approved testihands city Mayor. BOARDERS MR3. M. E. WHITECRAFT Ret about her four residence gentlewould be pleased mAn one-haif boarders.

block north Inquire at depot. TERMS REASONABLE. Any one discovering time a will street please. light out or broken at any notify Alderman R. Wright Alderman at First National Bank or N.

Gandy at hia office, LOUIS DIAMOND Shaving and Hair Cutting Kant Side. -Work Guaranteed. LOST! A ton of coal every two months, if you don't use a Majestic. H. M.


The Taylorville Daily Breeze Courier from Taylorville, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.