A A A THE BUFFALO EVENING NEWS. EVENING NEWS. The circutation of She EVENING NEWS larger than mas of any other paper in the State, outsice Ned York City, CIRCULATION OVER 100,000 A WEEK. Population of Buffalo, 190,000 BUFFALO, THURSDAY, MARCH 8 '83 A SHOTS. EN'S PROT EST.
Practical Hiata on Elevating for Taroo Members of Lacembly-Mard Night Work. Editor Evening Mr. Leighton's elevator bill before the Legislature says: managers persons may demand and receive from said owners of said vessel $3 50 tor each 1000 bushels of grain for shoveling or trimming to the leg elevator." I would state for the information of Mesars. Leighton, Roberta and Higgins that elevating grain and shoveling grain are two different institations. The elevator owner has nothing to do with the aboveler's wages except the collection of it from the vessel.
We make our own rates, and in 20 years that I followed the business we have not varied more than 50 centa per 1000 in our charges, and that something that cannot be said for the elevators. Our present charges are $450 for steam vessels and 84 for sail vessels and tow barges, onebait which we pay back to the elevator for the use of the steam shovel. I noticed a few weeks ago that Mr. Mahoney, President of the Shovelere' Union, went to Albany to oppose Mr. Higgine' bill.
I think it Mr. Mahoney baa the interest of the Shovelers at heart, the place to serve them is in Butfalo. We will make our rates in the spring and I know they will not be exorbitant. There is nO man who knows the real nature of our very hard work who will say that we even get enough. What we want Mr.
Mahoney to do is to eee the elevator owners of this city and explain to them the injustice they frequently impose upon u8 in regard to the long hours we have to work, that is, the hours we have to stay around waiting for the work to come. Let me explain how this is done. We find no fault working from o'clock in the morning until 9 or 10 o'clock in the night, but they frequently make work from 60 to 70 hours without sleep rest, and then lie idle the rest of the week. Often when we are about to go home about 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening an order for canal boat comes in and the foreman says, "Boys, we must load this boat tonight." Then another comes, and 80 on. The reason those boata very often come late the merchante on the dock do not want to give them their freight, and when night comes the merchant sage, You must load tonight.
The storage is out I hope there will not be one boatman that comes into port that will bring his boat under an elevator in the nighttime for the year 1883. They all know the trouble they have getting their beats properly trimmed in the night. Last year the amount of that came into this port was about 53,000,000 bushels. Seventeen elevators were run during the season to take care of that amount. It divided equally each elevator would ceive about 15,000 bushels per day--about two hours' work out of the 24.
Therefore we, the shovelers of Buffalo, are satisfied that we can handle all the grain that comes into this port in the daytime without injury to any of our fellow. citizens. It they are obliged to work nights let them get twogangs of shovelers, and let it be so stipulated that they will not unload any part of a cargo that another gang may have left at the quitting hour-say 9 or 10 o'clock, We can sure the owners of elevators that we have the good will of all the monthly men in this appeal and also all steamboat and vessel men. The dock laborera quit every night about 10 o'clock, and surely we ought to entitled to the same consideration as our fellow-workmen. If Meera.
Leighton, Roberte and Higgins will introduce a bill pro bibiting the owners of elevators working their men more than hours out the 24 they will be doing something in accord with common humanity. Let Mr. Mahoney cali 8 meeting of the shovelers at some convenient time and cut this article out of your valuable paper and read it for those who may not have seen read it. I hope, Mr. Editor, you will give this subject a little attention and you will readily see the injustice done to us.
You will hear from me again during the winter. A SHOVELER FOR TWENTY YEARS BUFFALO, March 8, 1883. The Theodore Butler 4 Yesterday morning, in the Erie County Court, Judge Hammond presiding, Edward D. Wilgus, assignee of Theodore H. Butler, with his attorney, George Gorham, made his final report, which shows that the inventory amounted to $5405.19 and that the sum realized exceeded that amount that all of the preferred creditors had been paid in full, as well as sil expenses attending the assignment, leaving 254 per cent.
for ordinary creditors. Judge Hammond discharged the aseignee and his bondsmen, Grace B. Wilgue and Laban B. Fortler, from further responsibility. Union Election.
The annual meeting of the Buffalo branch of the Seamen's Union was held last night, President Klokke presiding, The following Of officers were unanimously elected: -Presi- at dent, William Thomas; First Vice all eca Frederick J. Klokke: Second Benjamin Curry: Secretary, James Todd. Died in Oswego, Miss Alexina C. Munson, eldest daughter of Captain John Munson of Oswego, at the residence of her parents yeaterday. Captain Munson and his family were for years residents of Buffalo, and bad hun.
dreds of friends here. BUFFALO MARKETS. and Retail Prices of Produce Today. Produce markets today fairly active. Poultry in strong demand.
Meats Flour steady and in moderate demand. HOPS--Choice State lower grade FLOUR- 1, New Proces8, Red Winter new process meal $1.80 per 100 lbs; Bakera' flour Oatmeal $7.50 50; Cornmeal, old, $1.40, new, Buckwheat per 100 lbs. FRUITS- $4 per bbl; medium common evaporated apples per lb; dried apples 7080 per lb; oranges $5.50 per case, per box; lemons $2.50 02 cranberries $5 per crate, $15 per bbl. BUTTER Choice packed scarce and active, common to good poor 18c; rolls, plenty and lower, eggs, strictly fresh, pickled plenty and lower, GRAIN- Wheat, No. 1 hard, No.
2, Oats VEGETABLES- Beans, marrow, medium pras cabbage $7 00 per 100; potatoes per bush; squash per onions 50 cents per bushel; celery per dozen; spinach per bbl. PORK- Pork $20 00 per bbl; Clear Abort Cut Pork $22.00 per bbl; Short Cut 00; Salt Bellies Fresh Pork Loins 11c; Pork Sausage 110; Corn Beef per bbl; Bacon 12c, Hame 180; Oysters $1.10 per gal. POULTRY-Steady; dressed turkey Chicken: Fowls Mucka 18 17c: Geese 00 each. NUTS 14c; Almonds, soft, Hard Almonde 180; French Walnuts 140; Grenobles 16c; Brazils firm at 110; Pecans 16c, duil. CIDER VINEGAR-100 per gal.
HIDES lamb pelts, call shins, trimmed, 18c; un 11o; tallow, tried, 7c; common, 40; con skins, glue stock, dry, 8o; cattle witches $8.00 per A1 CSS, very Tierces, 12c per lb; tubs, barrule, 120; 20-lb pails, 180; 10-lb pails 5-Jb pails. Lard oil $1.00 per gal. RETAIL PRICES -In meats the retail prices are from 1 to advance per lb on the whoresale quotations. Butter 88c, Cheese 160, Eggs 88c. Apples $5.00 per bbl.
Potatoes $1.00, Chestnuts $5.50 per bush, Southern ALL OVER THE STATE. Fulton will have water works. Boats are running on Seneca Lake. Clothes line thieves are numerous at Albany. Holley has three clube, all of temperance proclivities.
Judge Holmes of Lockport is in quite feeble health. Tonawanda's News suspended publication Tuesday -town election day. Fifty of striking Sing Sing convicts have been transferred to Auburn. The monthly excursions from Rochester to Dakota are growing in popularity. Albion Presbyterians have called to their vacant pulpit Rev.
George Cain of MansHeid, 0. Batavia excise commissioners are shaking up parties complained of violating the excise law. Albanians consume three tons of fish dally Lent, and the butchers are becoming discouraged. Michael Connell, a Corning glass works employe, ran against an iron bar yesterday, cutting open his head. John W.
Phillips, a prominent Rochesterian, is dead, aged 73. He was in former years a Supervisor and an Alderman. Edmund Shaw of Sherburne, Chenango county, aged 72, suddenly the other day while playing checkers in a barber shop. Hon. John W.
Peek, who died at Glovers. ville recently, represented Falton and Hamilton counties for two terms in the Agsembly. accidents on the Central of a minor character are said to have occurred in Waterloo's vicinity than at any point on the line. At East Aurora, yesterday, the Bartlett "told woolen mill and knitting yarn factory was to Stephen C. Clarke of this city for $7800.
At Cazenovia, Monday, pedestrians held on to their ears in a 20 below zero temperature. And yet spring forecasters continue to pipe their false notes. The father of Arthur Gill, the young man recently found dead on the railway track near Le Roy, will sue the Rochester Pittsburg road for ejecting him from the train. Shorteville Episcopalians will build 8 church. On a recent visit of Bishop Coxe of this that town he inaugurated a building and the sum necessary to parfunto chase a lot was pledged.
At Corning, yesterday, Ryder, a glass works employe, called Brink, a fellowlaborer, names, when the latter knocked bim down. Ryder then stabbed Brink, and was arrested. Brink's injuries are slight. Henry G. of Lyone, son of the editor of the Republican, is one of the fortunate five Seniors in Cornell University pointed to compete in oratory for the Woodford prize of $100 on the 9th proximo.
There were between 20 and 30 competitors. Robbed of His Pocket Hooks, Nicholas Holpu8, German, while taking in the by-ways of iniquity last night called upon Josephine Mahoney of Canal street, and about ten o'clock found, as he claims, that a pocket containing a $5 bill had been taken from his pocket. Josephine was arrested. Josephine Mahoney was held by Judge King for grand larceny in the first degree this morning. The Judge said he no sympathy for a man who would lose money house, but that be must hold her.
She bas been behaving well for several years, but got back to the bad district and this is the regult. Sydney Stulth Being in, his physician advised him to "take a walk upon an empty stomach." "Upon whose?" asked Sydney. Still better steps to take would be the purchase of Dr. R. V.
Pierce's "Golden Medical Diacovery" and "Fleasant Purgative Pellets," which are 08- pecially valuable to those who are obliged to lead sedentary lives, or are afflicted with any chronic disease of the stomach or bowels. By druggists. m-th Auction! Auction! At Wolf's Bazar, 496 and 498 Main street. Sales 10 A. and 2 and 7 P.
M. Buy at your own price. The entire stock of notions and farcy goods, ladies' and gents' furnishing glass and crockery, tin and cutlery must be sold at public auction to the highest bidder without reserve. The stock must be sold by April 15th, as the store is rente And have to get out by that time I am selling the stock at private sale between the auction sales at auction prices, Show -cases, shelving and tures for sale. I will sell the stock to dealers in job lots at a great sacrifice.
Remember the store, Wolf's Bazar, 496 and 498 Main street, corner of Mohawk. mh8610 Notice. A grand ball to be given by the Erie Sailors Monday evening, March 12, 5o Germania Hall, corner Mohawk and Main streets. Come all. Sew saving Loan and Building Association All those wishing to join a new Saving, Loan and Building Association are requested to meet at the house of Henry Henel, corner of North Division and Hickory streets, Thursday evening, March 8th, at 7.80 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing.
Shares, which will be placed at $105.00, will loaned at 5 per cent. intereet, this making a sate and profitable investment to all concerned. mch218 THE COMMITTEE. At the Regular Meeting Lake Pilots Aid Association, to be held the National Temperance Hall, 16 East Senstreet, on the evening of Friday, March 9, members are requested to be present, 88 matters of importance will come before the meeting and a full attendance is desired. C.
CULLEN, President. Brass and Novelstes Esgle street, I I I opposite St. James Hall. for the holiday trade, St. James Pharmacy, 10 Lots for Sale on Easy Terms.
The German American Land Association offers lots for sale on Jefferson, Masten, Keller and Eaton streets, cheap, payable in small weekly payments. Application for lots or information may be made to Henry Moest, corner Michigan and Virginia streets, whore the A880- ciation meets every Monday evening, or to A.u• gust Sonnemann, 459 Washington street. mh7t19 Binoke Fals Morgana, the best 5-cent cigar 10 the oily, J. DODGE, 852 Elk stroot. Vitalized Air.
Teeth extracted positive without, pain by of vitalized air; safe harmless. Every one can take it with perfect safety. All other aesthetics are dangerous. 8. Artificial teeth made at lowest possible prices.
Teeth Ailed with gold, silver, etc. Fifteen years practice in this oity. Dr. F. C.
Longnecker, 589 Main street. fe23-1 The Macs Cannot be Coat Dr. John Tripp's Blood Purifier will sure all diseases of the blood. A trial will sattaty the most incredulons. Call at 488 Niagara street 2021-1y New Russian and Turkish Baths, corner Erie and Pearl streets.
Hours for ladies, Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 to 12 M. Gentlemon, all other lava, 8 A. 10 10 P. M. Sundays, 8 M.
$0 Stoddari Bros. Are beadquarters for fine perfumes dodderi Bros Druggists. 84 senoca Street, Are buying Patent Medicines and pure drugs in large quantities, and can afford to sell them beaper than any house in Eutalo. Face Powder le beautiful. Reduce Expenses By using less store-room and place your goods In etore with the Buffalo Storage Company, 143 Washington street.
Come eze! Come All! To the grand entertainment given by Niagara Lodge 110, Sone of St. George, at Germania HaD, corner Seneca and Van Rensselaer streets, Thureday evening, March 8, 1883. mb5t7 Peoriess Lionta for the complexion. Jewel's New More Now open with the most extensive stock of fine shoes ever shown in this city. Our new location is only a few doors below the old stand and will be found a much pleasanter resort.
Our ladies' parlor is a new departure for this city and we think will be appreciated. Our stock is all new and fresh, made expressly for the new opening. Our old i stock is at 404 and is 1 being closed out wonderfully low prices. J. H.
Jewett, 9 878 Main street, cor. W. Eagle. mch1t10 Oder Cases, Nal seta, card casca, pocket booke. Ribbe' Drug Store, 235 Main stroot.
scholars, Astontion win every school book purchased of 1 will give a handsome picture card. A full line of new and second-hand school books always band. DAVID SHEPHERD, 1848 Niagara street, Black READ. Do you want Boarders? Do you want Anything Do you waut Servants or Clerica! Do you want to buy or rent a House! Do you want to buy a Horse or Carriages Do you want to rent your House or Store if so, we will publish the fact ins the EVENING NEWE fer one cent 8 word Write your advertisement, (a80 ads. in thin paper as sample) count the worde and then (nolose a cent for every word and mall It to the office or bring it yourselt.
Remember the EVENING NEWS has a circulation equal to the combined circulation of all the other Buffalo dally papers. FOR SALE. Adve. under this head one cent per word. FOR perfect SALE-Ice order.
box Address 8 leet or long. apply 4 at wire, 782 7 high Ferry in street. mh8t10 TOR SALE No. 2 chestnut coal hard $8.75 coal per ton Sold by very beet quality of regular J. E.
B. Huglil, opposite Postoffloe, 252 Washington street. mh8t14 TOR HALE -A first west side grocery stock; rare opportunity; best location In town; terms easy; stock new and clean; reason for selling, am going out of city Inquire of Sherman S. Rogers with P. J.
Ferria, Buffalo. mb8t19 house for sale or trade at a I bargain. Address 197 TOR MALE Furniture an flxtures of a boarding Seneca street. mh5t10 TOR SALE CHEAP- -Saloon fixtures at 732 Fetferson street. mh7t9 FOR BALE will -A be sold desirable millinery reasonable; store, been 871 dolng Elk street, very good business for the past two years.
CAll or address the above number. mh7t8 TOR SALE -Ice be rect, blue doors, lined throughout and fu perfect order. Apply at 848 Elk correr Hayward street mh7t9 DOR SALE Baby Carroll carriage street. for sale cheap, nearly new, at 180 mh618 TOR Two-atory frame house with saloon, with gas, water. cellar and sewer and a good barn.
Inquire at 688 William street. MALE -Saloon and tixtures on the exs side, six years and doing good business: reasons for selling going into other business. For further particulars apply at News office. mh3t10 FOR quire BALE Main CHEAP- street. -Black walnut desk.
mh5t11 BALE- -At a ba gain, house and lot, B0x112, with barn, 869 Maryland street; cemented cellar under whole, gas, water and sewer; $2500. Apply on premises or at 820 Main street. mh5t10 TOR MALE -Attention, manufacturers. A rare chance to buy one upright engine and boller combined, In perfect running order and warranted perfect in every respect: 4-horse power; make of Payne Sone, Corning- Apply to Slater Wittman, Room 5 American Block, over 406 Main street. mh5t10 TOR sold store doing a good paying bustness: will be cheap for cash.
Address Opium, Box B16, Emporium, Pa mb5t12 DERMONS having goods of any kind to sell can store and have shown without extra charge at Buffalo Storage Warehouse, 143 Washington street. mh5t10 FOR A few very des rable 8-con -hand pianos from $50 upward; Steinway, Chickding, Boardman Gray, Western, for rent or sold on small monthly payments. DENTON COTTIER. 289 Main street, mh8t9 FOR $100, NALE-A cost $150, tip-top at brand North new organ, Division 11 street. stops.
mh3lf TOR Address MALE Saloon: first-class up town place. News office. m52t8 MALE and saloon at 66 Ohio street. mh1131 TOR MALE- Water motor and meter, just the thing for a Ight manufacturing business, saves fnel: runs its-11. Apply to C.
Storm, machine shop, corner Terrace and Franklin street, second floor. mh2tf TOR MALE CA -One solid rose wood plano instruction book: will be sold for halt cost before moving, at 189 East Seacca street, upstairs. fe23tmh8 DOR BALK- NO 2 Chestnut coal at $8.50 per ton 81 Geo W. Weller's, 280 Clinton street. te21tf -N ater power, large plaster-mulli, sAw- mill, wood-turning machinery, ten acres proud: will sell for one-third ite value.
For parleulars ad ress George T. Crouch. East Pembroke, Genesee county, N. Y. fe21tf A organ, 11 stops, cheap for cash.
STORE, 12 South Dir ision street. fe10tf SALE CHEAP- A billiard table at 849 Broadway (Broadway Hall). fe9tf FOR BALE--Kindling wood, Clinton hard aud soft wood, Geo. W. 260 street, at low est market prices.
Jal8tt shuttle We are constantly accumulating 50 many FOR A DINGER SEWING MACHINEmachines in exchange for our new No. 8 and 10 that we offer the best ones at from $5 to $10 each, all kinde, have been repaired and Are varranted to work well: the cheapest place in the city to buy a second hand machine. WHEELER WILSON'8, BI West Bugle street, corner PearL 1a28tf A Bread: It is ahead GROCER of them fOr all: the R. try It Ovens and be Vienus convinced. HOUSES FOR SALE.
Advs, under this head one cent per words FOR SALE Mansion on Main For street: will be sold very reasonable price. particulars apply to Slater Wittman, 5 American Block. mh8t8 FOR frame SALE house: -At gas, a great water, bargain, marble a mantels new and cellar; street care pass the door. In quire on the premises, 169 Fourteenth street mb5t10 DOE BALE-Houses. Live in town.
Save time, house rent and car fare by purchasing a house centrally located. Ihave four and 2-story new houses on west side of Tenth street, between Virginia and Maryland streets, with gas, water, cellar, doub parlors, dining-room, kitchen, pantry and tour to five refrcoms, with clo ets in each. Also one two-story house, containing ten rooms, with modern Improvemente and large barn in rear. on Fargo avenue near Jersey street, all of which will sell A'80 a new hruse 00 Seventeenth street, rear Richmond avenue; price $1100 All are well built tasty and will bear Inspection. Apply to Caudell, at Tenth street houses or 154 Fargo ave nite.
mh5t17 DON MALE -A story frame 25x112, situated on St. Paul street, east of Main street; price $1800. PI. STELLWAGEN, 448 Main street. fe8tt TOR Dodge street, near Michiza.
treine house, large lot $1,500: es8y payments. Apply 0 E. Penton. IA West Swan street 1085 REAL ESTATE. Advs.
under this head one cent per word, FOR front on SALE Sene ONE street, TO LET-Property, through 57 to Fol- feet ca running son street. The property is well improved and will answer for stores or manutactaring purposes. Apply at 548 Seneca street. fe24 tf BALK- Have a large plot of vacant land at East Buffalo, at a gain. Address R.
E. Postoffice fe12t15 -Real estate at a bargain; lot 52x164 on Rhode Island street, corer of Bremen; also. lot on Auburn avenue, corner of Grant, will be sold cheap if sold on or before March 1st. For particulars call at 514 Niagara street, Stanton's West Side Furniture Store fe12 tmh11 TOR Desirable lots on Fillmore avenue, bear the Park, on weekly payments of $2. For information apply to F.
Loepere 210 Broadway, or to Aug. E. Rother, 162 Wuliam street. te8tf ated on White's Corners Plank Road, within miles of. elty limit: worth $0000.
will be for $8000 on easy terms. owner has other business to to. For particniars apply to J. F. Titus, West Seneca, N.
Y. fe28tap98 TO LET. Advs, under this head one cent per word. nO LET -Brick barn. 4 stalls, entrance 01 alley.
Inquire at 158 South Diviston street. mh7tf ANTED -TO rent. store on Mun or Seneca street. not below 'Michigan, altahl a for the confectionery business. Address A NewS 167112 To LET -La ge double parlo of heat r.
bath and gas: centrally iceated: situation very pleasant. 160 Franklin street mh6tt me LET--Blacksmith shop at Blossom, Erla N. Y. Address Mrs. F.
Hoppe mut8 FARMS FOR SALE. Advo. under this head one cent per word. DOK MALE- -A farm of 177 acrea; barn and orchard, one mile from railroad depot, Address P. O.
Sherman, 587 Franklin street. inh6tt with house, barns and outbuildings, all in SALE -Farm; acres of land for sale, good order: good orchard of 175 bearing trees; situ- BOARD AND ROOMS. Ides, under this head one cent per word. 160 for gentlemen, STREET, furnished rooms ma8t14 to let furnished room with room for two or three gentlemen let. mb8t10 WANTED.
week. -Boarders at 142 Oak street at $3 50 EAST furnished room 120 with or without board suitable for two genthe men or a married couple. mh718 329 tlemen ROUTE boarders DIVISION wanted. A few muTi8 gen130 bedro. and closet STREET, to rent a furnished suitable for parlor, one or two gentl men.
mh7t16 WANTED Board in gentleman a private who can family, hare west use side ot piano. Address News office. mh6t8 WANTED or rooms -With in or a quiet, without private board, a family, pleasant west side, by a young married couple or before May 1st. Acdrese, stating terms, La, 418 Seventh street. mh618 67 rooms MOUTH cheap for DIVISION gentlemen.
furnish mh5t12 375 MICHIGAN rooms with STREET, fire tor A few single men pleasant to fur- let. mn6t12 7 ANTED -Boarders at 142 East Seneca street. 21 meal tickets for $4. TO nicely LET--A furnished widow front lady room on the and east bed side room has with a beard for a gentleman and wife or two ladles terms reasonable. Address News office.
mh5t10 58 family, two minates' walk furniehed from rooms, Main st, pr'mh5t10 LET-Desirable rooms 490 West avenue, nrat door from Connecticut street; possession immediately if required. mb5110 68 moderate SYCAMORE terme. STREET, board and lodging mh5t12 at 7 ANTED or four furnished or unfurnished rooms near Main and West Huron 110 small children. Address Postofice Box 228 State particulars: references given. mh5t10 108 lodging; 8 or DIVISION 10 boarders wanted Board by Mrs.
and Kronenbe ger. mh8t9 122 STREET Nicely-furnished, wa'm single room, with boara. mh2t8 104 rooms let. DIVISION -Furnished mhit1T 639 MAIN boarders wanted. fe28tf 7 ANTED -Boarders at Moeller House; board from $8.50 to $5 per week Corner Scott and Main.
fel8tt 204 a EANT nicely SWAN furnished front room and bed Michigan, room to let to gentleman and wife or two or three single gentlemen: Are and gas included. fe28tf TO room suitable for one or two gentlemen; private house. Inquire at 258 Clinton street. fel8tf LET -Booms, en suite, for family. in the Re vere House Block, 154 Erie street.
THOMAS SHIELDE. au LOt HELP WANTED. Advs. under this head one cent per word. ANTED- Gordon press feeder who can mako ready; steady employment Apply at Hansman 298 Washington street.
ANTED -Experienced men a9 canvassers for life Insurance: salary and commission. Apply to Thomas Morgan, 11 Kremlin Hall, Buffalo. mh819 ANTED--A good piano player to play four nights week at Charles J. Fischer's, corner Clinton and Adam streets ANTED--A woman of 50 or 55 years old as housekeeper; oDe who would prefer a home mo eof an object than wages. Address News office.
tai or girls at 71 Genesee street, upstairs. Call from 7 to 7 or Sunday from 9 to 12. mh8t10 -A competent and experienced nurse girl. Apply at ouce at 80 Park street. inh8t10 WANTED Girls Niagara for street.
general housework, mb8tf cooks, German A preferred; good girl for references general required Apply a at 178 South Divis'on street. mh8 9 WANTED, Apply Girl at tor 100 general West avenue or 255 refer- Main street, Tibbs' Drag 8 ore. mh8t9 TANTED -A emall girl at 72 Terrace; German ANTED preferred -Agenta; businees light, genteel mh819 and profitable. Apply at rcom 8 over 18 West Eagle street. H.
BROWN, of four. two being children. Apply at corfor general housework in a famver Virginia and Edward streets. WANTED Ferry, -Immediately good a reliable 1192 -irl 10 Niagara ook street after two children: must understand p'ala sewing: work Protestant preferred. mh7t8 agara ANTED street: -Boy to references work in a required.
grocery at 873 mh7 8 NIANTED- Six molders for machinery work la a manufacturing town, E0 miles from Buttalo; no union men wanted. Apply to Heury Nauert, 191 Main street. 165 ANTED Orange -Immed etreet. ately, good German girl mh718 at WANTED housework; Canadian or stranger in American Buffalo girl to de preferred. genApply at 468 Connecticat street.
mh718 Boy store. 16 or 18 with soma experience grocery Inquire at 250 Eagle street. TANTE -Good business manager with small capital to assist in management of a good paying and well established conc it company unnecessary. CHAS PETIT, Fillmore Hous corner Michigan and Carro latreets. inh718 emall ANTED- family A at good 12 girl Hayward 12 or 14.
street. years old mh718 in a WANTED Seventh -Good street. girl to co general housework mh718 at sober ANTED- and stout, industrious, well to engaze developed tor young one man, year as bath attenrant. corner Erie and Pearl streets. mh719 ANT A man of good ad trees licit trade in the wholesale panta, Vents and overall busiDess.
Jrquire at 80 and 82 Seneca street, ups airs, mh718 MARCUS ALL. ANTED--An apprentice to learn unsmith busiW ress. ANTED preferred. Apply -Girl at Apply tor 890 at general 117 Seneca house Cedar street work; street. mh719 German mh7t9 ANTED--A good al for general housework; German preferred.
Apply at 282 Lin wood avende. mb7t8 7 ANTED- Good barber at 477 Seneca street. mh6t9 ANTED- -Young men busine. 5 abilmake big money. Electricity, 165 Main street.
mh818 ANTED--A boy to learn the barber trade at Virginia street. mh5t10 work ANTED in a small Competent fami girl must to do understand general house- cooking Apply at 93 West Mohawk street. mh5t10 ANTED -Girls at the Pasted Stock Factory foot of Hudson and Root streets; steady employment. mh3t9 ANTED--A competent milliner; one who is a well s8 trimmer; no other need apply; references requi.ed. Address N.
Letter Carrier 18. mh8t9 ANTED- lately, to at 313 Fargo avenue, a 16 years old nurse baby. mh3t9 7 ANTED- Good canvassers at 101 East Genesee street. Ja29 tf ANTED Girls for general house work, $2 to $8 per week; corveyance ready to take you to places until engaged; man and wife without children, for a farm: a fl st-class geuerat housework girl In a family of three in country, $4 per week. boarding-house cooks, $8 to $4.
MRS. YORK ANTED -Ladies or yonng men to take nice light and pleasant work at their own homes; work sent by mail; no caavassing; good salary; no stamp for reply. Please address Reliable Manufacturing Philadelphia, Pa, Drawer TT. mb2.8 country ANTED- to take light or work young at men their in town homes: or own no canvassing; good salary, Address, with stamp, F. Millard Co, Boston, Mass.
Box 5234. fe19tmh18 ANTED -First-class cooks for familles, private boarding-house cooks, one waitress, two second girls, housekeeper (English or Scotch preferred), two pollshers, oue starcher, two trovers for out of city. giris tor general housework and young girls to assist, at Mrs. Reahr'e, 485 Main street, over New York Dry Goods Store. corner Mohawk.
THE EANT HIDE German Employment Offive has soon girls on hand for general housework; cooks, nurse girls, laundresses and washerwomen always on hand. Office, 23 Grape street, between Cherry and Virginia streets. mh2tf ATTENTION--The Carpenter's and Joiner's Union meets at Broadway Hall, 349 Broadway, every Wednesday evening at 8n clock. 1a28 taol26 HOUSES WANTED. Adva, under this head one cent per word.
small house A small from family May of 1st: adults choice wand tenants: hi answer immediately. Address Y. News office. mh8.9 7 house, central'y located: rent not to exceed $25 per month Address D. News office.
mh718 ANTED -By M. 1st, a small house or sulte of rooms for small family rear Main street. Address M. News office mhTt1B ANTED -By May 1st. a small store su tab'e for variety, business in good location.
Address Vows office. mh7t18 99 ATUTIN ANTED- A small store -Ith rooms helow or 7 above for light housekeeping: must be neAt the market or location and rea: onable rent Addrese B. B. News office. side suitable To tr rent two from small April fam st.
lies: house light on house- eas kreping. Address H. News office. 7t10 ANTED TO RENT- House our went side; ail modern improvements: tent not to exceed $30 month. Add: eas Basinees, News office if -House and barn by nice family must he out alde and north of 7th street: give full particulars.
Andress House, News office mhit8 MONEY TO LOAN. Adre. wader this head one cent per word. PER large sum to loan on city and farm property, Apply to Penton, 14 West Swan street. 00225 Adve.
under this head one cont per word. DARNONAL-A gentleman desires to place his daughter in family of ladies and children, Orthollo preterred, where she will receive the treatmeat of one of the family and have a few hours 88- daily In pimple studies: location must be central and references the best; give terms and all particulars. Address J. H. News office.
mh8t9 will come and see you Friday sure. GEORGE Pilot still continues the guitar, zither and banjo at his music, rooms, 11 East Genesce street. mh7ta7 The largest No. 2 chestnut in the market $8.50 per ton, and Improved kindling with each load tree; all kinds of Scranton coal. Corner Scott and Washington streets.
mh5t10 DEL for Tallor Bystem kind of of actual measurement cutting. every laales' and children's costumes 19 the only system in the world from which you can get a perfect fit without change of any kind. This 1s no swindle--here for a few days -no worthless a PERFECT system come to Buffalo to stay. Come and investigate for yourselves. Artistic dress and cloak making promptly done.
24 Erie street. mh5tf neatly trimmed. Tuquire at 68 Sycamore street. mh2t10 Awake works like a charm in removing pain. Ask your druggist for 1t.
1 mh6t12 DERSONAL-O. A. SOLIA, 883 and 885 Main street; elegant fancy costumes for tableaux. private theatricals, concerta, masquerade balls; all orders from out of sown promptly attended to. mh1t31 DERSONAL-Moeller House 19 now open for business; board good and cheap.
Corner Scott and Main. fel6tr 454 Seneca street. Mrs. D. W.
Hinkson wiN teach cutting and fitting with chart included tor $4. fe24tmh8 DERSONAL-All kinds of planing, sawing, matching, band sawing, scroll sawing and turning done at lowest prices at Hoefllor planing-mill, 151 and 153 Elm street, near Clinton. 47, 40, 51 and 58 Vine street. fe24tf Griswold corsets, to order fit guaranteed: also other specialties not to be found in city. 8.
E. PHILLIPS, 870 Seventh street. fe26tmh8 C. M. Cochrane, instructor of guitar and banjo.
478 Pearl street. felltmhl1 you want your hair mattress made over and done well call at Stanton's West Bide Furniture Store, 514 Niagara street. fe28tmyl you bave any carpenter work you wish promptly attended to call ou or address T. A. Denton, 229 Whitney Place.
1826tt DERSONAL-You will And 1t to your advantage to have your laundry work done at the Niagara Laundry, 148 Niagara street. All work called for and delivered free of charge Goods marked free. 1a24tf Teeth positively extracted without pain by the use of vitalized air; best sets of teeth, unper or lower, from $8 to $10, Including extract In teeth extracted tor 25 cents; inserting of artiAcial teeth a specialty. DR. E.
C. LONGNECKER, 102 East Genesee street, corner of Chippewa. Jy22tf Nellie Hoben would respectfully announce to the public that she has located at 18 South Division street, corner of Washington, where she will give clairvoyant readings pertaining to health and all pursuits in life; also thorough phrenological reading of the head. Walk up to No. I without ringing.
fe8tmh8 repaired at Lotton's, 101 Genesee street. Jy28tt DERMONAL-For funeral flowers go to 90 Richmond avenue. T. OLAYTON. Any lady wanting the services of a caterer for lunches, dinners or evening parties can recure them at very reasonable rates by applying to Mrs.
Wm. Hines, 260 Clinton street. N.B.-Ten years' experience and recommendationa from the best families in the city INSTRUCTIONS in Rococo, Kensington and plush stitch embroidery; three lessons for 50 ots. Also orders for embroidery and stamping neatly and quickly Alled, by Mrs. J.
F. Southwick, 492 North Division street. fe21tmh20 MISCELLANEOUS. Adve. under this head one cent per card.
DRESS and plain sewing at 54 Seneca street. 24 floor. mh5t10 A FEW very desirable pianos from $50 upward; Steinway, Chickering, Boardman Gray, Western, for rent or sold on small monthly payments. DENTON COTTIER, 269 Main street. mh3t9 REFS' Universal Hair Restorer restores gray hair to its original color.
prevents baldness, preserves the hair and promotes its growth, cures dandruff and all diseases of the scalp; price 50 cents per bottle. C.A DREFS, druggist, 166 Broadway, corner Michigan street, mh3tt WANTED holes. on If hole you have boxes; any must In not your be office leas you don't need and will eell cheap drop a line to Pigeon-hole. News office. mh2tf EPAIRING of sewing machines and clotheswringers of all kinds done in good style and at reasonable prices; all work warranted.
617 William street. fe20tt DENNIES AND NICKELS for sale at News office. $1000 used FORFEIT Mrs. Dr. for any Broad's family Disinfectant, who have 15 cents' worth a week, and had diphtheria, scarlet fever or any contaglous disease.
For sale by all druggists. fel7tmhil YOU WANT A GOOD MATTRESS call at Sianton's West Side Furniture Store, 514 Niagara street. re FUN kinds A short A notice at and Stanton's upholstering Wet I Side Furniture Store, 614 Niagara street. fe12imyl (Hear ANTED--Any rabroad) or oue building having that large could be storehouse altered into a storehouse will And sale for same, or 8 good tenant for a long term of years. Address P.
O. Box. 854. te5tf N. off BOA clothing, BERG pays carpets, cash etc.
for all Address kinde of Postotice Box 238 or 115 Commercial street Do32t! RINGERS repaired at Lotton's, 101 Genesee street. Jy25t: ON MACMAN goou as new, $4 to $10, sola on monthly payments at the Housebold and Howe Rooms, 33 Niagara street. N. 0. TIFFANY.
TE YOUR repaired by 6. Wright: over ten years' experience; work guarat teed; all requisites for sewing-machines cheap tor caab. Note the address, 818 Geneses street, tear Elm. SITUATIONS WANTED---Females. ANTED -Work by a womau at washing, scrubb'ng or office cleaning.
Address Catherine Crimming, 18 Lake street. WANTED care -A woman children. wants a few Addrees places 210 to Pearl sew street. -Situation as second girl or waltreas: small family; expe: lenced and good references. Address Mingle News office.
ANTED -In a few good miles, dressmaking and sewing by the day er week; first-clasa fitting and designing. Address J. News office. widow woman wants a place 88 housekeeper. Address 199 Eleventh street.
mh6t9 ANTED -Situation as bousemaid, waitress or nurse by one of experie: ce. Address M. News oflice. ANTED -Situation by a young lady 88 copyist cashier; wilh to work for small salary. Address I.
0.. News office. WANT take charge Situation of a by laundry, an experienced Address woman News office. -By a lady, situation as working housekeeper; satis'actory references. Address 527 Seneca street.
TI ANTED Family sewing by a lady who understands all kinds of ladies' and chiltren's underwear and plain outside garments. Address 98 etreet, upstairs, TI ANTED out by -Dressmaking day. Apply or plain at 75 sewing: Washington would go street, 815 ANTED Main Work street. by a washerwoman. Apply at Situation by a woman to do washing by the day or to do it at home.
240 Seneca street, upstairs. LOST AND FOUND. Advs. under this head one cent per word. REWARD -By a poor man, We 'nesaay, corner Michigan and Seneca streets, bag containing sum of money.
Reward will be paid for turn to News office. mh8t10 Tuesday evening on Prospect avenue, between Pennsylvania avenue and Hudson street, or between Prospect avenue and Fargo avenue, an Etruscan gold earring, Finder will be rewarded and confer a favor by leaving same at News office. mb7tt collar lock; answers to name of Prudy. ReSmall female water spaniel; had on sliver ward will be paid 11 returned to 65 Washington st, mh7t9 ONT-On Thursday, lat a bull and terrier dog with dark striped back and bushy tall, answers to the name of Nellie. Liberal reward for return to 160 Whitney Place mh7t8 OST -March 3d, an Italian had on greyhound, collar white marked spot on breast and tip of tail: Jas.
Fenton. Liberal reward will be pald if returned 10 866 Hudson street. TIRIND- That Chas Bakert's is the cheapest I place to buy boots and shoes: custom work and repairing. Corner Broadway and Michiga a street, fe28 Lfe28 your flooring, siding, molding and general Joiner work go to Bros plening-mill, 151 and 153 Elm street, near Clinton, 47,49, 51 and DO Tine street. fe21tt HOUSES TO LET.
Advs, under this head one cent per word. TO LET- House cellar in good under order; whole gas, house, hot and barn cold and water, bath garden; rent $300. Apply at 838 Prospect avenue. mh7t13 LET Cottage, west side, near City Hall. For particulars address Frank, News office.
mh5tt TO LET 880 Delaware avenue. Apply at 217 Delware avenue. MRS W. B. PETTIT.
possersion at once, new stylish French-roof house, with cellar, barn, water, sewer, gas, pared street and near street cars; also three others very similar. two to exchange for vacant lota or larger house. B. B. RICE, 84 Glen wood avenue.
near Main street, forenoons and evenings. mh3tt SITUATIONS WANTED---Males. -Situation In 80 office as assistant clerk or book-keeper: good penman and rapid writer, salary moderate. Address J. News oflice.
ANTED -Situation by a stenographer. Address O. News ofice. WANTED experience. -Situation by Address a E.
druggist News of several office. -Situation in any office writing or copying: good references. Address 206 South Division street. WANTED Situation by an experienced man to boiler and engine; good references. Address News office -Situation by a young man in a stoze: letter G.
willing 1857 make himself useful. Address by Nagara street. ANTED -Situation by a respectable young Job if possible: aged 20 to do work of any kind; steady dress wages not much of an object. AdC. P.
M. News office. -Situation by an engineer; ten years' staire. experience. Address J.
9, 815 Main street, up- BUSINESS CHANCES. I good WANT paying TO business. INVEST Address small G. D. capital P.
in some News office. mh7tf FOR lease for two years, will of a be hotel, sold together with with small capital; location is central reasonable and to near A party The depots: excellent opportunity for a first-class 5 hotel. American Full in Block. ormation given at Slater Wittman's, TIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS for sale and for $550. having a fine cash trade; goods staple of daily demand.
9 Colt Block mch8t14 MALE Stock and fixtures of stove store, Address with complete tin shop; small capital required. Stove, News office. tmh5tI0 good chance for a business man: west alde grocery, doing $25,000 trade per annum; Sherman about S. $2000 Rogers, stock with P. on hand.
Ferris. Inquire of or see J. te17t29 HORSES AND CARRIAGES. Advs, under this head one cent per word. cheap.
Inquire harness and stake wagon at 215 Fillmore Parkway mh8t9 DOR MALE Three good working horses at 1591 Nagara street. mh8t10 FOR A at 259 Clinton street. eix-year-old mare for sale cheap mh8t10 SALE CHEAP -A light business wagon at 878 Oak street. mh719 FOR BALE CHEAP-10 horses at 588 Clinton street. FOR SALE at 959 Clinton -Sound six-year -old mare.
Apply street. mh6t8 A to houses and Limestone Hill for funerals at 88. Call at 286 Carroll or 248 Fulton street. 839-ly INSTRUCTION. I lessons INSTRUCTION for 40 cents, given at 58 in Milnor darned street.
net ric-rack; 3 mh5t10 INSTRUCTION in silk embroidery at 815 Broadway; stamping and embroidery done to order. MR8. J. DE TAMBLE. mhltapl 10 M.
instruction L. in AVON, Edison's 881 Music Niagara a. street, guarantee will give the pupil shall play one tune, bass and treble, in an hour, or no charge. 0016t FAIRBANKS' Standard Scales Miles' Improved Money Drawers. TEE HANCOCK INSPIRATOR, The best Feeder known for Etationary, Marine and Locomotive Boilers.
Coffee, Spice and Drug Mille, Warehouse Trucks and Grain Wagona, Baggage Barrows, Spring Balance and Butchers' Scales, Drug and Prescription Scales, Fine Scales for Confectioners and Tea Dealers, Measuring Faucete, Beet Cutters and other Grocers' Sundries. FAIRBANKS 00. 216 MAIN STREET. m-w-fr WE INVITE ATTENTION TO 36 PIECES BLACK SILKS In three grades, acknewledged by the trade to be the tret goods made in America Pure, lustrous and soft, they are equal to foreign goods in appearance and superior to them in va'ue. Prices $1.20, $1.42 and $1.69 The manufacturer of these goods makes only to order and he generally has orders six months ahead.
We ordered ours last September and have just received them. This indicates how much the goods are in demand We have pleasure in announcing that, on the return of Miss KENDRICK from New York, we shall open 8 department for Cloak making under her able management about 20th March. J.N. Adam Co 292 to 298 Main Street. ANOTHER SQUEALING! 150 Cases, 300 Dozen, Hamburg and East Aurora Peas At IO Cents a Can.
No one knows how we do it Never mind. You that buy them don't care only to get them cheap, at HAYWARD'S Great Cash Store 332 Washington Street. AHLE OPERA HOUSE. commencing Monday, MARCH Elliott Barnes' Great Comedy Boom, Our Summer Boarders. With the eminent character Comediane, WM.
F. CARROLL and CHARLES FREW, and Superb Company. A Feast of Fun. You are invited. or Usual prices.
Reserved seats on sale at Wahle's Music Store. TOTICE is hereby given that there will be special meeting of the stockholders of the PLenix Refining Co. of Buffalo, N. at their office, No. 12 East Eagle street, on March the R1ef, 1888, at 8 o'clock P.
for be the an purpose of determining whether there shall increaze of the capital stock of said Company from Twenty to Fifty Thousand Dollars. March 7th, 1883. J. M. COMSTOCK, E.
A STRANAHAN, W. C. PARSONS, mh7180 Trustocs..