Keeping It Real Art Critics (2024)

KIRAC is an art collective primarily known for its films. You can watch the films as standalone pieces or as a series starting from episode 1. Our work is funded by our patrons. Join us as a patron and watch all our films!

KIRAC 28 Faun

Sandra has fled cold Toronto. She thought she could be a loving wife, but when the lockdowns forced her to spend one hundred percent of her time with her husband, she found it so awful that the only option was to run away. Her first destination is Amsterdam. The Dutch are impressed by her worldly charms, so they start filming her. In the eye of my camera, her newfound freedom appears less harsh. Also, Melchior wants to join the KIRAC collective, and our patron Philip seems to like him – a lot.

Become a patron and watch the full episode.
2024 May 20, 27 minutes.

KIRAC 27 ft. Houellebecq (Upcoming)

Houellebecq launched three court cases in France and Amsterdam to prevent the film’s release. But it will be released.
Join our mailing list and be the first to know when it becomes available.
Watch the studio visit below, where we delve into the process of making KIRAC 27 with one of our patrons.

KIRAC 26 Cornucopia

Art is a product of abundance! Episode 26 begins where episode 25 left us, and shows the dramatic attempts of art dealer Paul van Esch to shatter his financial ceiling and escape the boredom of the art world.

As a courtesy to our patrons, only they get to watch it for now. Become a Patron now!
27 minutes. 2022 December 6

KIRAC 25 Male Love

Director Stefan Ruitenbeek about this film:
“Male Love” explores the intrigue and drama of a million-euro art deal. I’m an artist caught in the center, filming the deal while wrestling with feelings of resentment as the Boijmans Museum spends heavily on another artist’s work. As I scheme to disrupt the deal, Philip, the art collector, grows suspicious. The tension escalates and intermediaries, a city councillor and a law professor, step in to mediate the conflict. In Manhattan Art Review, Sean Tatol reviews this episode and our KIRAC films.

As a courtesy to our patrons, only they get to watch it for now. Become a Patron now!
35 minutes, 2022 Oktober 18

KIRAC 24 Under a Sinking Sun

This film, originally commissioned by KIOSK / KASK, an esteemed art school in Ghent, Belgium, was abruptly cancelled just one day before its premiere. However, it’s now publicly available for viewing.

The film explores the hopes and illusions of young art students coming of age in a world that is saying goodbye to the enlightenment and its values; about the cheerful anticipation with which they face the possibilities of a setting sun. It also features several ‘cancelled’ youths — students who have been expelled from their schools, academies, or social circles due to accusations of sexual misconduct.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund.
Runtime 75 minutes. Release date 2022 April 2

Download full film here or watch below

KIRAC 23 Honeypot

In this film, conservative philosopher Sid Lukkassen tries to save the world by having sex with leftist student Jini. Entering her boudoir, he is caught in an enchanting and unpredictable world.

This film is thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Runtime 51 minutes. 2021, October 26.

Watch the first part of Honeypot below. Become a patron for full access to this and all our films. Patrons, including those from Patreon, can watch in the Patrons Room.

KIRAC 22 Reasons of Ego

Oscar van der Kroon works for Dutch public television. He wants to do Avant Garde Television but his mediocrity is holding him back. At the end of the Episode, he promises to do some introspection.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Join the rest and become a patron.
18 minutes, 2020, December 21

KIRAC 21 Buse (A Good Student)

Buse, a teenager from Istanbul, is an art student at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. She wants to make a movie about her experiences at the school but she is afraid she will be kicked out for making a critical film about the world-renowned institution. KIRAC advises Buse to make the most of the decline of this institution and the bleak future it offers her.

As a courtesy to our patrons, only they get to watch it for now. Become a patron.
13 minutes. 2020, December 2

We are always in desperate need for money to keep the KIRAC train rolling, you can support us by watching this on Vimeo on Demand, or become a monthly patronand get courtesy access to all our uploads.

KIRAC 20 ‘The Latent Potency of Rob Defares’ [EXTENDED VERSION]

ft. Jordan Wolfson and Beatrix Ruf

This episode is an ironic call to a cynical liberal billionaire (Rob Defares, who owns a high-frequency trading firm) to fully use the cultural potency of his wealth, something this billionaire would never do because he wants to hide in the herd. It’s ironic because we know the call towards Defares will fall on deaf ears. So, it’s a mating call that flies over his head, reaching towards some other imagined monarch/billionaire to start the cultural revolution and who, by contrast to the unimaginative, fearful, skulking billionaire Rob Defares, emerges superior, enlightened, gay, and victorious.

On a lighter, more comical level, this film shows you how artist Jordan Wolfson is shocked when billionaire Rob Defares comes walking into his exhibition wearing a fur coat. Is the billionaire there to buy something, or just to shock the hell out of Jordan Wolfson, Jordan wonders? Jordan is an activist who wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to save the life of an animal. In this film, you can see how he adapts to the situation. Team-KIRAC (Tarik Sadouma, Kate Sinha, and Stefan Ruitenbeek) identifies the dawn of a glorious and dangerous paradigm shift, shimmering beyond the horizon of this comedy of manners.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.
23 minutes. 2020, November 4.

KIRAC 19 The Goat

KIRAC 18 and 19 are one film published in two parts. Among other things, this films shows my attempts to pummel art collector Philip van den Hurk into a 16th century style mecenas. He has to stop buying art as investment commodities. He has to stop buying art on fancy art fairs. Instead, he should spend his money aristocratically on us, the KIRAC film people, without getting any material return, only entertainment and artistic confusion. An important tool in pummeling Philip is a trip to Cairo. In this non-western sanatorium, my friend and radical artist Tarik Sadouma will give him a treatment that will cure Philip of his late-capitalism art buying deceases. But, Philip is not just a passive patient. He emerges as a force to be reckoned with, and secures himself a highly sought-after spot in the KIRAC pantheon.

As a courtesy to our patrons, only they get to watch it for now. Become a patron.
45 minutes, 2020, October 15.

KIRAC 18 Parasites and Pecan Pie

KIRAC 18 and 19 are one film published in two parts. Among other things, this film shows my attempts to pummel art collector Philip van den Hurk into a 16th century style mecenas. He has to stop buying art as investment commodities. He has to stop buying art on fancy art fairs. Instead, he should spend his money aristocratically on us, the KIRAC film people, without getting any material return, only entertainment and artistic confusion. An important tool in pummeling Philip is a trip to Cairo. In this non-western sanatorium, my friend and radical artist Tarik Sadouma will give him a treatment that will cure Philip of his late-capitalism art buying deceases. But, Philip is not just a passive patient. He emerges as a force to be reckoned with, and secures himself a highly sought-after spot in the KIRAC pantheon.

As a courtesy to our patrons, only they get to watch it for now. Become a patron.
22 minutes, September 3, 2020.

KIRAC 17 Blackmail

Artist Stefan Ruitenbeek and Collector Philip van den Hurk reflect upon a dark moment in their relationship.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.
10 minutes, August 13, 2020. Watch Youtube below, Vimeo here, or download movie file.

KIRAC 16 King Philip and the Pied Flycatcher

Team KIRAC hopes to extract some money from King Philip, a millionaire art collector. But Philip lures them into a strange affair with international star curator Charles Esche.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.
66 minutes. September 21, 2019. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 15 Time’s Up, Old Man

sh*t literally hits the fan. Starring star-architect Rem Koolhaas, Kate Sinha, Francis Bacon, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.
26 minutes, November 2, 2018. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 14 Problem Child

Moulay struggles with his Moroccan heritage and his place within Dutch society. He is swept along by Tarik, who involves him in a symbolic game revolving around his own background, which only serves to alienate Moulay even more. In a thirty-page text, he tries to adhere to an imagined set of prescriptions that are supposed to aid him.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.
24 minutes. August 14, 2018. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 13 Stigma (The Netflix deal)

We might lose our Netflix-deal after Kate called someone a spoiled bitch. Starring Stefan Ruitenbeek, Kate Sinha, Steven ten Thije, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.
40 minutes. April 27, 2018. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 12 100% Integrity

Bert Kreuk is an art collector who explains conceptual art in his book.
Starring: Stefan Ruitenbeek, Bert Kreuk.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.
15 minutes. February 8, 2018. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 11 Medusa

An ode to the sexual power of neo-marxism.
Starring: Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, Documenta14 in Athens.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.
10 minutes. January 28, 2018. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 10 The bad breath of Mondriaan specialist Hans Janssen

This film is applauded by KIRAC-fans for it’s comparison between Van Gogh and Mondriaan.
Starring: Kate Sinha, Hans Janssen, Vincent van Gogh, Piet Mondriaan.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.
14 minutes. November 16, 2017. Watch YouTube below or download movie file

KIRAC 9 Who’s Afraid of Harvey Weinstein

Kate Sinha about female sexuality in the #metoo era. About Harvey Weinstein and Léa Seydoux.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.

9 minutes. October 20, 2017. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 8 The Art of Stefan Simchowitz

Our famous film about the notorious art-dealer.
Starring: Stefan Simchowitz, Oscar Murillo, Tarik Sadouma

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.

63 minutes. July 2, 2017. Watch YouTube below or download movie file

KIRAC 7 Indigenous Flags and Modernism

Ft. Synnøve Persen, Sami people, Documenta 14, Athens.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.

7 minutes. April 29, 2017. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 6 The Works of Renzo Martens

Ft. Renzo Martens, Iceberg Slim, Tarik Sadouma, Picasso.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons and the Mondriaan Fund. Become a patron.

47 minutes. Dutch. February 9, 2017. Watch Dutch version on YouTube below
English version on YouTube. Download Dutch movie file. Download English movie file.

KIRAC 5 The Tears of Mara McCarthy

A gallerist cries under artistic pressure.
Starring: Tarik Sadouma, Mara McCarthy, Wally Hedrick, Simone Forti, David Hoyland, Stefan Simchowitz.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.

12 minutes, October 15, 2016. Watch YouTube below or download movie file

KIRAC 4 The psychology of Jon Rafman

Ft. Jon Rafman, Anna Uddenberg, Stedelijk Museum.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.

16 minutes. October 10, 2016. Watch YouTube below or download movie file.

KIRAC 3 The Art Subsidy Discussion

What happens to artists when you start subsidising them? They start to transform into … .
Starring: Halbe Zijlstra, VVD, Merijn Oudenampsen, Bas Heijne.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.

10 minutes, Dutch, English Subs. September 11, 2016. Watch YouTube below (English subtitles in CC).
Download movie file. Download English subs.

KIRAC 2 Not in this way

Ft. Amanda van Hesteren, Steven Rubinstein, Isabel Lamberti.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.

25 minutes, Dutch, English subs. August 10, 2016. Watch YouTube below (English subtitles in CC) or
Download movie file. Download English subtitles.

KIRAC 1 Indignation at De Appel

Ft. Saskia Noor van Imhoff, Alicja Kwade. De Appel.

This film is publicly available thanks to our patrons. Become a patron.

7 minutes, Dutch, English subs. Jun 6, 2016. Watch YouTube below (English subtitles in CC) or
Download movie file. Download Englisch subtitles.

Keeping It Real Art Critics (2024)


What are the 5 key elements in art criticism? ›

Talk about the way the art uses these five basic elements of art and design: line, color, space, light, and shape. Describe the use of line. Lines in a work of art can be either literal or implied.

What is the art critic's main goal? ›

One of the art critic's main duties is to interpret the meaning of works of art. Typically an art critic will attend a cultural event, such as an exhibition, and will then write an article about it in an interesting and engaging way. By doing so, the art critic's objective is to popularize art to wide audience.

What are the 4 coordinates of art criticism? ›

the subject matter; 2. the artist; 3. the audience; and 4. its own form.

What are the three things involved in an art critique? ›

There are four steps used to critique a work of art:
  • Look at the obvious.
  • Analyze the artwork.
  • Decide on an interpretation.
  • Make a judgment call.

What are the 5 C's of art? ›

Collection, community, culture, collaboration, and creativity – these are the five C's of art in design.

What are the 4 basic art criticism? ›

There are four basic steps: describing, analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating.

What is the main goal of art criticism? ›

Its purpose is to help the critic or others understand the value of a work of art. Art criticism is inevitably subjective since it involves the art critic's own interpretation, but it also draws on shared principles in the form of history or aesthetics, or a theory.

Who is the best art critic? ›

The most influential art journalists
  • Sarah Douglas, Editor-in-Chief at ARTnews.
  • Jerry Saltz, Senior Art Critic at New York Magazine.
  • Patricia Bickers, Editor at Art Monthly Magazine.
  • Jonathan Jones, Writer at The Guardian.
  • Peter Schjeldahl, Head Art Critic at The New Yorker.
Dec 20, 2022

What is the first thing that must be done when critiquing art? ›

When critiquing art, the first thing that must be done is to carefully observe the artwork. Take your time to look at the artwork, paying attention to its various elements such as the subject, composition, color, texture, and technique used by the artist.

What are the two 2 types of art criticism? ›

The most common division in the field of criticism is between historical criticism and evaluation, a form of art history, and contemporary criticism of work by living artists.

What are the three 3 basic theories of art criticism? ›

There are three theories in art criticism: Imitational: Art should imitate what we see. Formalism: Art should be based on the Elements and Principles of art. Emotionalism: Art should be based on the artist's emotions or moods; the work of art shows a feeling or emotion.

What are art criticisms two main functions? ›

Critics offer insights, interpretations, and assessments that contribute to the discourse surrounding art, shaping its reception and understanding within the art community. Second, in its interaction with audiences, art criticism helps viewers engage with and appreciate artworks on a deeper level.

What makes a good art critic? ›

The critic is “minimally required to be a connoisseur,” which means he must have a “sound knowledge” of the history of art, as Philip Weissman wrote in his essay “The Psychology of the Critic and Psychological Criticism” (1962), but “the step from connoisseur to critic implies the progression from knowledge to judgment ...

How do art critics judge art? ›

Analysis. Analysis refers to how the elements and principles of art are used in the work. In this step, our minds take in the lines, values, and colors of the artwork. We also may take notice of the balance, proportion, rhythm, and unity found within the work.

How to critique artwork like a pro? ›

The four steps are:
  1. Descriptoin: What do I see?
  2. Analysis: How is the work organized?
  3. Interpretation: What is happening? What is the artist trying to say?
  4. Judgement: What do I think of the work?

What are the 5 key elements of art? ›

The goal of this unit is to introduce students to the basic elements of art (color, line, shape, form, and texture) and to show students how artists use these elements in different ways in their work.

What are the five 5 contextual elements that affect the artwork? ›

Answer. Answer: Traditional way of looking at art, namely the visual arts, suggests that there are five basic elements of an art work – line, shape, color, texture and space.

What are the 5 elements of art quizlet? ›

The elements include: line, shape, color, value, texture, space, and form. A mark with length and direction, created by a point that moves across a surface. Straight lines are vertical, horizontal, & diagonal; curvy, zigzag, thick, thin, dotted,spiral, swirly, loopy.

What are the four elements of criticism? ›

The four steps are:
  • Descriptoin: What do I see?
  • Analysis: How is the work organized?
  • Interpretation: What is happening? What is the artist trying to say?
  • Judgement: What do I think of the work?

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.