What we will do
Setup a TAP VPN to play LAN games.
Setup a TUN VPN to connect android phones.
TAP and TUN server is the same machine.
Machines in TAP VPN communicate with machines in TUN VPN and vice-versa.
Layer 2 is MAC address level.
There is no other way to play LAN games with your friends in the world.
Unfortunately with layer 3 there is no multicast in x.x.x.255.
Layer 3 is IP address level. Why, there is no multicast on IP level, ask OpenVPN.
TAP and TUN server is the same machine.
OpenVPN server belongs to LAN and has address
All machines in the same LAN with OpenVPN server ( CAN be accessible from TAP VPN WITHOUT the need to run OpenVPN TAP client (TVs, printers, smart light switches, etc included).
All machines in the same LAN with OpenVPN server (, if not run OpenVPN TUN client, CANNOT be accessible from TUN VPN. If we want be accessible without OpenVPN TUN client, we do the procedure at the end of article.
All machines NOT in the same LAN with OpenVPN server ( must run OpenVPN client.
All machines NOT in the same LAN with OpenVPN server (, if they belong in a LAN, this LAN must not be or An acceptable LAN can be
All machines NOT in the same LAN with OpenVPN server (, after TAP VPN connection, have an extra IP address in TAP VPN, keeping their original LAN address
All machines which run VPN TUN client, after TUN VPN connection, have an extra IP address in TUN VPN, keeping their original LAN address
To be connected in OpenVPN
Every client and the server have a certification signed from a certification authority.
Also they have a configuration file which all of them must have many settings the same, or else connection will not be established.
Use the latest version of OpenSSL to create certifications (procedures follow).
Download and use OpenSSL for Windows because Linux (specially Debian for ARM CPUs) has older OpenSSL version.
Newer OpenSSL can reject certificates issued with older OpenSSL for some security reason (I suffer from this).
Creating certification authority
To create certification of certification authority, you must run the commands:
Code: Select all
openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096openssl req -new -x509 -utf8 -days 36500 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
and we have public ca.crt and private key ca.key.
Creating server's certification
We must create a file openssl.x509.server.conf with contents:
Code: Select all
# These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEnciphermentextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth
To create certification of server, you must run the commands:
Code: Select all
openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096openssl req -new -utf8 -key server.key -out server.csropenssl x509 -req -days 36500 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out server.crt -extfile openssl.x509.server.confrm server.csr
and we have public server.crt and private key server.key.
WARNING! OpenSSL does not require Common Name (CN) for certificate but OpenVPN requires it. So, you MUST give a Common Name!
Creating each client's certification
We must create a file openssl.x509.client.conf with contents:
Code: Select all
# These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.keyUsage = digitalSignatureextendedKeyUsage=clientAuth
To create certification of each client, you must run the commands for every client:
Code: Select all
openssl genrsa -out client.key 4096openssl req -new -utf8 -key client.key -out client.csropenssl x509 -req -days 36500 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out client.crt -extfile openssl.x509.client.confrm client.csr
and we have public client.crt and private key client.key.
WARNING! OpenSSL does not require Common Name (CN) for certificate but OpenVPN requires it. So, you MUST give a Common Name!
Creating the tls-auth key
To create tls-auth key, which provides more security, you must run the commands:
Code: Select all
openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key
and we have the private key ta.key.
Creating Diffie-Hellman file
To create Diffie-Hellman file at 4096 bits, you must run the commands:
Code: Select all
openssl dhparam -out dh4096.pem 4096
and we have -AFTER A LOT OF TIME- file dh4096.pem.
Setting up the TAP server
We modify the network configuration file /etc/network/interfaces as folling:
Code: Select all
#auto eth0##iface eth0 inet dhcp#iface eth0 inet static#address br0iface br0 inet staticaddress eth0
Disable everything related with eth0 and enable network bridge br0 with the same options.
On option bridge_ports we don't put tap0 (tap0 is the network interface created from OpenVPN) because OpenVPN hasn't executed yet: Network must be setup before OpenVPN.
Copy files ca.crt dh4096.pem server.crt server.key ta.key to folder /etc/openvpn, with ownership root:root and permissions 400.
Create an EXECUTABLE file /etc/openvpn/openvpn_up with contents:
Code: Select all
#!/bin/bashbrctl addif br0 $1ifconfig $1 up
This file, when OpenVPN create network interface tap0 ($1), connects this network interface under the bridge br0. Then up network interface tap0.
Modify or create the file /etc/openvpn/server_tap.conf with following contents (comments stripped):
Code: Select all
port 1194proto udpdev tapca ca.crtcert server.crtkey server.key # This file is secretdh dh4096.pemtopology subnetifconfig-pool-persist ipp_tap.txtserver-bridge "route"client-to-client;keepalive 10000 11000 # super max or disable or else disconnectionstls-auth ta.key 0 # This file is secretcipher AES-256-CBC;compress lz4-v2# Maybe I add it later;push "compress lz4-v2"persist-keypersist-tunstatus openvpn-status.logverb 3explicit-exit-notify 1script-security 2up openvpn_up;down openvpn_down # no need
OpenVPN TAP server informs all OpenVPN TAP clients for VPN TUN network
Setting up the TUN server
We use the same files ca.crt dh4096.pem server.crt server.key ta.key with TAP server, so no changes.
Modify or create the file /etc/openvpn/server_tun.conf with following contents (comments stripped):
Code: Select all
port 1195proto udpdev tunca ca.crtcert server.crtkey server.key # This file is secretdh dh4096.pemtopology subnetifconfig-pool-persist ipp_tun.txtserver "route"client-to-client;keepalive 10000 11000tls-auth ta.key 0 # This file is secretcipher AES-256-CBC;compress lz4-v2# Maybe I add it later;push "compress lz4-v2"persist-keypersist-tunstatus openvpn-status.logverb 3explicit-exit-notify 1
We use the next port for TUN VPN 1195.
We do not run executable file which bridges to br0 the tun0 with tap0 and eth0, because tun0 is layer 3 and cannot bridged.
OpenVPN TUN server informs all OpenVPN TUN clients for VPN TAP network
As I say before, machines in the same LAN with server, do not run VPN TAP client, so they do not know about TUN network (
In order, for packages, to arrive in their destination, packages which arrive on server from machines above, with destination a machine of VPN TUN network ( and vice versa, IP forwarding must be enabled on server.
We check IP forwarding with command:
Code: Select all
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
If result is 1 (yes) ok. If result is 0 (no) we must enable IP forwarding.
Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomment line:
Code: Select all
save file and inform system for change with command:
Code: Select all
sysctl -p
Setting up the TAP client
Copy files ca.crt dh4096.pem client.crt client.key ta.key to folder /etc/openvpn, with ownership root:root and permissions 400.
If we have windows in client, do something similar. It is easier.
Modify or create the file /etc/openvpn/client.conf with following contents (comments stripped):
Code: Select all
remote mydomain.myftp.org 1194clientproto udpdev tapca ca.crtcert client.crtkey client.key # This file is secrettls-auth ta.key 1 # This file is secretcipher AES-256-CBCpersist-keypersist-tunstatus openvpn-status.logverb 3explicit-exit-notify 1
Or else we can insert inline the certificates inside configuration file, so contents are:
Code: Select all
remote mydomain.myftp.org 1194clientproto udpdev tap<ca>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...certificate contents...-----END CERTIFICATE-----</ca><cert>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----...certificate contents...-----END CERTIFICATE-----</cert><key>-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...certificate contents...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----</key>;keepalive 60 120key-direction 1 # Complementary of tls-auth<tls-auth>-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----...certificate contents...-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----</tls-auth>cipher AES-256-CBCpersist-keypersist-tunstatus openvpn-status.logverb 3explicit-exit-notify 1
Run the OpenVPN client service.
Setting up the TUN client
Copy files ca.crt dh4096.pem client.crt client.key ta.key to folder /etc/openvpn, with ownership root:root and permissions 400.
If we have windows in client, do something similar. It is easier.
Modify or create the file /etc/openvpn/client.conf with following contents (comments stripped):
Code: Select all
remote myserver.myftp.org 1195clientproto udpdev tunca ca.crtcert client.crtkey client.key # This file is secrettls-auth ta.key 1 # This file is secretcipher AES-256-CBCpersist-keypersist-tunstatus openvpn-status.logverb 3explicit-exit-notify 1
Or else we can insert inline the certificates inside configuration file, as we do for TAP client.
Run the OpenVPN client service.
Connecting machines in the same LAN with server, which does not run TAP or TUN client, with VPN TUN
If machine runs Windows, execute the following command:
Code: Select all
route -p add mask
If machine runs Linux, something similar.